Wednesday, March 31, 2010

They're Here!

Can you hear them? The new cheeping going on around the county. As you get closer to second and third grade classrooms it is getting even louder. That's right we are at the end of round one of Embryology and the eggs are hatching. Embryology is a 4-H curriculum that is implemented in the second and third grades as part of the standard course of study. What a better way to study life cycles?

On Wednesday we traveled to Union Chapel where we actually saw one chick hatch, another class had one pecking through, and yet another classroom had two that had been born with several more trying to get out.

J.C. Hargrave e-mailed us Wednesday afternoon and said they expected several to be making their appearance today. At Knuckles we have heard there is a total of nine new chicks in the world with two more expecting to make an appearance today. Can you say WOO Hoo?

To support the teachers in this endeavor we also have an incubator at our office. Our eggs started hatching on Tuesday. We had our very first chick after a long day of labor on Tuesday and that one encouraged seven more out of their shells on Wednesday. On Thursday morning we had nine more chicks just waiting for us in the incubator, with three more still trying to hatch out. If you would like to see video from this morning you can click here and see them in the incubator and how they were doing once we placed them in their brooder box (a brooder box is a box with a light where they can move around and stay safe and warm). What an egg-citing day!

Stay tuned to the 4-H blog for hatching updates around the county.

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