Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Get Growing

The Dirty Rascals Junior Master Gardener 4-H Club meeting yesterday for their first meeting of 2011 (the January meeting was snowed out!). After going through the schedule for the rest of the year the group got started on their big fund raiser of the year, the Master Gardener Plant Sale. Now if you are looking at your calendar thinking this is a little early to prep for a plant sale that doesn't happen until the end of April you might be right. The difference here is that the youth are using the AeroGarden that they purchased with the help of the Master Gardeners to start their herbs for the sale.
The AeroGarden comes with special trays and sponges that allow for seed starting. All three machines are being used to start wonderful herbs that should be just the right size for sale at the end of April. The JMG members planted; Cinnamon Bail, Italian Basil, Cilantro, Italian Parsley, Chives, Thyme, Oregano, Summer Savory, Sweet Marjoram, Dill, Lemon Basil, Rosemary, Catnip and Lavender. If all the seeds sprout this may be the largest variety of plants the youth have ever had for sale. Each plant will be $2 at the sale. The Master Gardeners hold this sale each year as their fundraiser for the various community projects that they take on. The Master gardeners raise the plants that are sold at the plant sale, each of their plants, no matter what size are $2. Along with the plant you can often talk with the Master Gardener who raised and it can give you expert advice on the best planting place, care, and instruction so you can have a green thumb with what they sell you. The Dirty Rascal Junior Master Gardeners keep the proceeds from their sale to help support club activities.
The AeroGardens will be in the kitchen at the Robeson County Cooperative Extension office, while the seedlings get started. The youth will come by and check on the plants between now and their next meeting to make sure they get the water and nutrients they need before they are transplanted for sale. Through this project they will not only learn about hydroponic gardening but also seedlings and how to harden plants, transplant them, and about biodegradable garden products. So not only is this project fun, it is accidentally educational, and a money maker for the club.
Stay tuned for more information about the Master Gardener and Dirty Rascal Junior Master Gardener Sale which will be the last weekend in April.

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