Sunday, June 22, 2014

Up and Running this Morning

It was time to hit the road running this Sunday morning of Congress.  Literally hit the road running as part of the 4K for 4-H.  Each county delegate was asked to get sponsors for the run/walk.  The 4K had two main focuses: the first to raise awareness of health and fitness needs in our state; the second was to raise money for a non profit back in our county.  Our 4-H Delegates were ready and raring to go at the start line, stretching and prepared to finish this challenge.  When the signal sounded they were off and walking really fast.  Two of our delegation jogged the entire course and were the first two across the finish line at just over 40 minutes.  The next member of our delegation came across the line about five minutes later and the last two made it in at just over 50 minutes.  By finishing the course they raised $250 dollars for United Way of Robeson County.
After that thrill of excitement so early on a Sunday it was time to hit the showers, and get a bite to eat before heading back to the McKinnon Center for our first round of workshops and awards.  This year the Robeson county delegates are taking part in the leadership Track.  The groups were broken down by age into three groups for these seminars and got a first look at the building blocks of leadership by members of leader shape.
After the informative workshops it was time for a quick dinner before heading back and helping one of the Southeast district candidates for state office with their booth.  After a brief assembly it was time to meet the candidates for state office.  This year there were three candidates for reporter, three for Sectary, four running for Vice President, and three vying for the top leadership position of President.  After having the opportunity to meet the candidates it was time to let their haird down Ann dance the night away.  
You might think after an evening of politics and dancing we would be exhausted, but our work was not done.  Once we returned to the dorm it was time for a county huddle and for our youth to cast our 15 electoral votes for the candidates they felt would serve 4-H the best.  We can't let the cat out of the bag in terms of who we voted for but we will let you know how excited are tomorrow night when the votes have been cast and counted.  Stay tuned for all the excitement.

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