Friday, April 22, 2016

Happy Earth Day!

Every once in awhile something wonderful comes into our office and we just need to share it with you.  This was written by Mack Johnson, Horticulture Agent with our Cooperative Extension Office.

Today we celebrate our collective home called earth.  This movement started in 1970 to call attention to environmental issues of the day. It has since become a day celebrated in many other countries, not only our own.  Please take some time today to make a cognitive decision on what each one of us can do to be better stewards of our planet. It can be as simple as using reusable shopping bags instead of the plastic ones at the grocery store, turning off the lights when you leave the room, recycle, conserve water-empty the bowl of pet water for a plant when you put fresh water in the bowl, replace incandescent bulbs with LED's or CF's, buy LOCAL FOODS so it won't have such a large carbon footprint verses being shipped across country. Just last night I was in Food Lion. I was first met in the produce section with a really nice stand of fresh strawberry's from California!?!?!?!, I kept looking and found (for the same price) in the cooler strawberrys from NC.  OF course I purchased mine from a local grower just down the road.  Happy Earth Day everyone....just saying .........on a personal note this earth is not my (final) home but I still need to help take care of it.  Sorry for the long post.

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