Friday, February 17, 2017

Cutting Up in the Name of Science

Making our community stronger through partnerships is part of what we do here at Cooperative Extension.  In 4-H it is fun to partner with other youth agencies to make the best better in our county.  So when CIS said they wanted to work with us on a STEM project, I could think of nothing better then 4-H Drone Discovery.  Thanks to United Way dollars were were able to purchase the curriculum and train these pioneers of drone aviation.  Although our plan was to kick this off in 2016, that pesky Hurricane Matthew got in the way of a really good plan.  Delayed, but not grounded we took off with the project today and we can't wait to see what is to come.
Teachers from four CIS after school programs (Parkton, Pembroke, Prospect, and Red Springs) came by on a teacher workday to get the training in for Drone Discoveries.  Each school got a kit, curriculum, and a google drive with extra resources.  During the training it is important for the teachers to test each activity and see what works, and won't work with their youth (and have a little fun while they are at it).
Drones are revolutionizing the way we work and play.  During the hurricane some of the most incredible video we have is from overhead drones at work, other times it was helpful to send drones in to see if anyone needed help or how far the flooding truly went.  Drones have everyday applications for farmers checking crops and have been helpful to our military when scoping out dangerous areas.  This project opens the door for youth to explore and expand the role of drones in our society and even come up with better engineering opportunities for these machines that have proven their worth and that they are not a fly by night fad,  We look forward to hearing from our teachers about their fun with this curriculum and how their youth enjoyed the aerodynamic and coding opportunities that this project allowed them to experience.

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