Tuesday, February 4, 2020

Attention 4-H Congress Delegates

If you are planning on attending 4-H Congress this year and would like to earn a few extra scholarship dollars to pay for it....think about teaching a workshop at this year's event.  Below is the note from Sarah Kotizan who organizes 4-H Congress each year.

"If you are interested in teaching a workshop at North Carolina 4-H Congress, please see the attached proposal form and work with your 4-H Agent to get this information entered.

All proposals must be entered online no later than Friday, May 1st (note: this is a state deadline and your county will have an earlier deadline) and must be entered by a Cooperative Extension employee. This opportunity is open to 4-H'ers (at least one adult must help with the session), 4-H Professionals, 4-H Volunteers, and community members.  Please share with anyone you feel might be interested in this opportunity.  

If you have any questions, please let me know. We are excited about continuing the workshop format again this year and look forward to great workshop proposals being submitted!


So potential delegates if you would like to teach a workshop please fill out the application and return it to Shea Ann DeJarnette by April 24.  You may team up to teach a session but realize all of you have to have equal parts if you decide to do so.  Please contact me if you have any questions at (910) 671-3276 or Shea_Ann_DeJarnette@ncsu.edu.  You can access the application at this link. 

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