Tuesday, April 28, 2020

The Shoutout Sunday Winners are.......

Folks the judges had a pretty easy decision because we only had two entries.  One is a Cloverbud, Thomas Underwood, who drew a card and sent in a video in honor of his Aunt Michelle who is a DNP and helping train and fight COVID-19.
Our other entry was from Thomas's big sister Maggie.  Maggie is in the senior division and made a Perler Bead entry, also in honor of her Aunt Michelle.  The nurse shoutout was put together by Maggie in just over two hours and as you can see from the photo is very detailed.  Maggie won first place in the senior division.  Oh, and FYI after posting her shoutout someone offered to buy the piece. 

1 comment:

Michelle said...

I am thankful for all of the ways you enrich Maggie and Thomas' life! Thank you for investing in them!