Thursday, August 3, 2023

Is Too Much Fun a Thing?

   I do my best to randomly appear and disappear so the campers can have the most fun possible.  I mean who wants an adult who can report home watching you all day?  It can generally harsh your fun.  So when I see our campers I ask, "Are you having fun?"  For the most part I get that look that most adults get when you ask a stupid question of a child.  You know the one where you get the blank stare with the, "how stupid are you?" look behind the eyes, back.  That is exactly what I am going for.  So let;s see if I can capture their most fun moments of the last full day at camp with a few of the "are you having fun? replies.

    We woke up to a little more than a drizzle today but not enough of a rain to make you wet wet.  It was just right for us to get up and still do all our activities.  Breakfast was incredible.  We had bacon, eggs, a homemade biscuits.  These were crunchy on the outside and so soft and fluffy on the inside.  Oh so good.  Since meals are served family style there is generally plenty for everyone.  Essentially the appointed table waiter for the day brings bowls or plates of food to the table and everyone helps themselves.  Then whoever takes the last of something goes ahead and gets the bowl or plate refilled if anyone wants more.   I will tell you everyone wanted more bacon, and they got all they could eat.  

     After breakfast and chores everyone went out for activities.  Just in case the rain kicked in our Health group went ahead and did horses and the climbing wall.  Those are two things are campers love and we didn't want them to miss out on these very camp like activities.  Other went on a hike to the beaver dam, did arts and crafts, went swimming, and enjoyed archery and the boulder wall.  While the climbing wall goes up the boulder wall goes across.  It is too much fun!

     Our trekkers left yesterday for Pilot Mountain to go canoeing, sleep outside, and climb up real rocks.  They are expected in this afternoon.  They are cooking over an open fire and having a ball doing things in the real world wilderness with our trained staff.  A little rain might have put them in a van to sleep during the night, but overall we know they had great fun and will be exhausted when they get home.

  Back at camp lunchtime rolled in and as you can imagine our campers were famished.  Something else that they have access to at camp is the salad bar during lunch and dinner.  We have some serious salad eaters.  Also hard boiled eggs on the bar went faster than the Flash.  For lunch today was shredded BBQ chicken sandwiches, baked beans, and hush puppies.  For some of our more exhausted campers lunch included naps.  Once that stomach is full sometimes you just can't help yourself. 

After lunch it was the last round of activities.  Lots of creek stomping, fishing, swimming, and more as our campers got a chance to do just about everything.  Some of them had a hard time telling me what their favorite thing was.  Of course their minds were really on the main event...the evening activity...the dance!  Oh how they planned to get dressed up and have fun.

  Before that they still had their last chance at the camp store and it was tie for our Trekkers to make it home.  A little tired, dirty, but no worse for the wear, these teens had a great time and learned they had to follow directions because this trip was no joke.  It tested them and built their confidence.  All in all, once they get some sleep and cleaned up, they will be glad they did it.

  Our last dinner was here before we knew it.  A camper favorite, chicken tenders was on the table along with sides and a choice of salad.  Our campers were thrilled and the conversation was all about the dance that night.  What they would wear, the girls had plans to fix their own, or each other's hair.  It was a thing and each cabin was going to out do the other.  Everyone was getting dressed up, including the counselors.  The thought of the fun was too much and everyone hurried up to eat to make sure their was plenty of time to get ready.

   The rec hall turned into the ballroom for the night.  The youth arrived dressed impeccably and they danced the night away.  Every popular dance for the last 20 years or so was played and they did the Electric Slide, the Cha Cha Slide, the Cupid Shuffle, the Wobble, Cotton Eyed Joe, the Macarena, and more.  They had so much fun, sweat, and laughs they just couldn't contain themselves.  

    After the dance they went to their farewell campfire.  They enjoyed skits, jokes, stories...just a perfect end to a perfect week.  Walking back to the cabins with one of our campers I asked her if she had fun.  She, without hesitation told me that this was the best week of her entire life.  I asked her if she would like to come back next year and she told me, "I do and I want to stay for a month next year.  Is that ok?"  I told her I wasn't sure about a month but that I was glad she had that much fun.  

  Back in the cabins showers were happening.  Bags were starting to be packed, a few tears shed because friends didn't want to leave each other or this magic place called Betsy Jeff Penn.   Let's hope all our campers get a goods night sleep before we head home tomorrow.  

To see all of our fun in photos please click this link.  

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