Friday, February 12, 2010

Juggling Stress on all Levels

Our third Strengthening Families Session was full of surprises. After a fantastic spaghetti dinner (complete with yummy garlic bread) we split into our adult and youth groups. Christy and Janice worked with the adults on developing positive relationships with their children. They also talked about making a point system with their children so that they will do things that need to be done in return for rewards, such as having a friend over.
The youth talked about things that stress them out. They talked about stresses like bad grades, homework, friends that ignore them. Together they identified things that make them feel better and lesson the stresses that they face. Our youth identified things such as talking to friends, screaming into a pillow, sleeping, and praying as things that help them reduce the stresses in their day to day lives. At the end of the session we asked them to identify stressing situations in the next week and try to implement one of these stress reducers in helping them to deal with it.

During our family time the youth and adults learned about family meetings. Each received a copy of the ground rules for family meetings (things like respecting each others opinions) and started their own mini meeting with a round of compliments. Then the parents shared some of the items they worked on in the parent session with their children. After learning about finishing off meetings with a family activity the families received some ideas of how to do this and a deck of cards so they could play a game with each other. At the end of the family session we closed with our traditional circle while the youth and parents talked about privileges the children would like to earn and we all gave our pledges to each other.

We will meet for session four Thursday, February 18, at 6:00. For more information about this program or other parenting information please contact Christy Strickland, Family and Consumer Sciences Agent at (910) 671-3276 or

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