Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Our First Meeting Is Memorable!

February traditionally marks our first 4-H County Council and 4-H Volunteer Leaders' Association meeting and this year was no different. This year our elected leaders got right down to business and you can tell this is going to be a year where things happen. To start with the officers decided to change how we do role call. Only chartered and new clubs will be on the list to be called. The winner will be determined by the percentage of members present for each club. This way clubs that only have five youth will still be able to compete against clubs that have 40 or more youth. This meeting the Future Leaders won with 100% of their current club members present. The club leader chose from an ice cream party, pizza party, skating party and bowling party as a prize. They chose a skating party that they will set the date for in the future.
In old business Ashley Sealey reported on the winners from youth achievement night. Libby Burney also received a certificate for her club to denote their club of the year award for 2009.
Our volunteers, in reviewing their bylaws noted some changes needed to be made. After drafting the language and presenting it to the group they decided to separate the Secretary/Treasurer position and add a Parliamentarian to the slate of officers.
Hazel Sumner, the Robeson County 4-H Volunteer Leaders' Association President worked diligently to get folks to volunteer for various committees during the evening. The group decided to create several committees. Joyce Peay and Kristen Sealey will co-chair the Scrapbook Committee. Libby Burney volunteered to chair a Volunteer Training Committee. Missy McLean is chairing the Banquet Committee which will oversee the details of our 4-H Volunteer Appreciation Banquet and our 4-H Youth Achievement Night. Nikki Edwards is chairing the Workshop Committee. We had several people to sign up to serve on many of these committees and we are very excited about what they have planned for the upcoming year.
Before the meeting ended a motion was made to take nominations from the floor for the new Parliamentarian position. Joyce Jones and Larry Russ were nominated from the floor to serve in these roles. After clubs cast ballots, and they were tabulated it was determined that Larry Russ will serve as our first Parliamentarian for the rest of the meetings this year.
Our next 4-H County Council and 4-H Volunteer Leaders' Association Meeting will take place April 12, 2010 at 6:30 p.m. at our 4-H office. As special guests our 4-H Advisory Committee will meet just before that and attend this meeting to see our clubs in action.

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