Friday, June 10, 2011

Delivering Caring

This morning it felt a little like Christmas. You know that feeling when you see the look on a person's face as they open a gift that they really enjoy, especially one made with love. That is what Friday morning felt like as we visited Southeastern Regional Medical Center to drop off the rest of the knit-in items from the United Way Day of Caring.
A large group made up of knit-in participants, Day of Caring organizers, and others met in the lobby of the hospital. Beth Ivey, the Director of Volunteer Services, met us and carried us up to our location on the Maternity ward. There we presented caps, blankets, and pillows. She told us the items are particularly needed at this time, as they have had a large number of births (14 one day and 11 the next) lately.
Those at the drop off included; Margaret Crites, Shea Ann DeJarnette, Jessica Drake, Jane and Megan Hurst, Rod Jenkins, Sandra Oliver and Tanya Underwood. Beth Ivey said the items will last for quite awhile and will be given to those who are in need.
The group is already planning for a second event next year. Would you like to be a part of it? Just e-mail me at to join our e-mail list with updates about the event.

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