Monday, June 13, 2011

It's All About Crafting

One thing you can say about our 4-H members is that they are colorful. That has never been as true as it is today for the members who are taking part in our first ever Arts and Crafts Day Camp which is part of our 4-H Summer Fun Program. The five day camp is targeting crafts that will stay with our youth for the rest of their lives. Our first day, in case you have not figured it out, centered on color.
Our first activity involved making our own name tags with a twist. We used Shrinky Dinks. For those of you not familiar with Shrinky Dinks, they are thin pieces of plastic that you can draw on with color pencils or permanent markers. Then the sheets are placed in the oven and you can watch them shrink down and get thicker and very hard. Our youth did a great job expressing themselves in plastic (and watching it shrink and shrivel).
After that it was time to paint. Jane Hurst came in to give some neat watercolor tips. Our youth practiced with water color pencils first learning how the colors blend. Then they played with something really neat, glow in the dark paint. Then they tried their hands with water colors. Part of the fun was using rock salt, table salt, wax and other items to create textures and patterns in their designs.
After a fantastic lunch we hit the colors of yarn. Jane stayed and helped us learn to crochet. Then we moved to knitting with our knitting looms. We began with baby caps and will go from there. Then we moved on to latch hook before the afternoon ended. All of the supplies from this afternoon and designs from the morning went home with each of our youth. Everyone said they had one thing that was their favorite, each had a different favorite activity of the day.
Tomorrow is a day of field trips and learning about nature and crafts. Stay tuned it will be fun.

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