Tuesday, June 9, 2020

4-H Summer Fun-Virtual Style

So much for the best laid plans.  COVID took out our plans we made in February for our Face to Face 4-H Summer Fun Program.  Not to worry we punted and rebooted and are excited to offer you the following virtual options. 
-Please note unless otherwise stated programs are free.  
-A supply list for each Summer Fun Camp will be emailed to you so you can make sure your child has what they need on hand to do the activities with us.  We have done our best to make sure you will have a selection of places to purchase items and plenty will be available.
-Each session will be a zoom session and done live so your child can interact with the staff and volunteers who are teaching activities.  Zoom links will be emailed prior to the camps.  (Please note the virtual overnight camp has recorded and live sessions to make it easier for you to build the schedule that will engage your child the most).
-Each camp length is based on studies of screen learning time for age groups, hence our 5-8 year olds we are looking at an hour, 9-13 two hours and our 14-18 year olds around 2-3 hours. 
-Please note we will advertise other virtual learning opportunities for youth however the majority of camps listed here are coordinated by Robeson County 4-H Staff and open to our Robeson County 4-H members (must have an active profile on 4-H Online) only.  Virtual Overnight Camp and Horticulture Camp are open to youth around the state, 4-H Congress is a statewide 4-H opportunity.
-We are excited to offer online registration through Eventbrite.  Just click the link for the camp below to register.
-You may register for our camps on your mobile device through our app also.  To download our free app please go to your Apple or Google store and download "4-H Now!"  You will be able to search for our Robeson County 4-H app and download it to your smart deveice.

Here we go.....

 ProgramAge  Camp Dates Deadline to Register Description Link to Register
 Citizenship     14-18 June 15-17 May 22 This is a leadership and government education opportunity for teens. Contact Shea Ann DeJarnette
 Jr. Chef     9-13 June 22-24 (9-11 am) June 19 This is a great hands on cooking opportunity for youth.  We will focus on nutritious recipes that do not involve the stove, oven, or for the youth to cut items.https://www.eventbrite.com/e/robeson-county-4-h-jr-chef-virtual-day-camp-tickets-108870045236 
 Virtual Overnight Camp 5-12June 22-26 (Time varies)First Come First Serve   This is an opportunity to set your child's schedule and pick and choose what they do, just like camp.  This experience comes complete with camp fire and a s'mores kit! https://www.eventbrite.com/e/nc-4-h-summer-camp-out-2020-tickets-102973460392
 Horticulture Science Camp 14-18 July 6-9 (Time varies) First Come First Serve This experiential event will feature some of our favorite activities like plant identification, food production, plant propagation, landscape design, cooking with local foods and more. https://www.eventbrite.com/e/horticultural-science-summer-institute-online-registration-105793549354
 Arts & Crafts9-13  July 13-16 (9-11 am)July 9  This is a great hands on opportunity where youth will get to create a variety of crafts.  These are skills that will stay with them a lifetime. https://www.eventbrite.com/e/robeson-county-4-h-arts-tickets-108871282938
 4-H Congress     14-18 July 20-23     June 21 This is an awesome leadership opportunity for 4-H members.  There is a $25 cost to the program however thanks to our United Way funds the cost for County Council officers will be $10 and the cost for members will be $15. Email Shea Ann DeJarnette for more information. 
 4-H Biotech 9-13 August 3-6 (9-11 am)July 30 This year for Biotech we will be going on a variety of virtual tours around the world (and in outer space) as well as doing fun science activities at home with household items. https://www.eventbrite.com/e/4-h-biotech-virtual-day-camp-tickets-108873134476 
 Cloverbud Day Camp 5-8 August 10-13 (9-10 am) August 6 To help our youth get back in the swing of school and learning we will have a fun interactive time with them playing games, crafting, and making snacks. https://www.eventbrite.com/e/robeson-county-4-h-cloverbud-day-camp-tickets-108873888732

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