This is it! All the hard work, learning, fun, it boils down to one night to celebrate, and celebrate we did.
Youth Achievement night is probably the favorite night of the year for the 4-H volunteers and staff. We celebrate the achievements of each youth and they receive a certificate listing all of their accomplishments during the year. Almost 250 youth completed projects and activities that would allow them to receive certificates this year. Some have completed so many they received two certificates for all their accomplishments. They also received a 4-H sling pack to take with them wherever they go to show off what a great 4-H member they are.

That is just the tip of the iceberg. We also celebrate our teen leaders, in the form of two awards. The members of the Junior Fairboard were presented with certificates by Peggy Hardin, member of the Robeson Regional Agricultural Fair. Sadara Baker, Cierra Buckman, Kelsy Bullard, Sebastian Bullard, Triton Bullard, James Hurst, Rondell McMillan, Sharon McMillan, Jaboya Mouzon, and Yazmin Washington were all honored. The certificates represent a thank you for all their hard work planning youth events before the fair and work on those events, manning the information booth and taking care of lost children. They help at various events handing out ribbons, announcing, and helping calculating scores.

The second award is the "I Dare You" award. This award is presented to a teen who has shown their leadership abilities and is continually working to improve and expand on those abilities. The award was presented by James Moore, the Human Resource Director for the city of Lumberton but also the Chairperson of our County Extension Advisory Council. This year two teens, Cierra Buckman and Aljaquwon Nixon received this prestigious honor along with a book, and check. Cierra is President of our County Council, and Aljaquwon has served as Sergent at Arms for our county council. Both ran for County Council again this year and were elected as officers again for the upcoming year.

Also for the first time we presented the club of the year award. The club of the year is determined by preset criteria that include turning club paperwork in on time, percentage of members that take part in club, county, district, and state events, community service projects and more. This year for our first award we had a tie. Everett Davis, County Extension Director, presented this award and checks to each clubs. Jane Hurst organizational leader for the Horsin' Around Horse Club, and Missy Hoggard, Organizational Leader for the Dirty Rascals Junior Master Gardeners both accepted the award on behalf of their clubs.
The evening included entertainment, dinner, a slide show of the year in review, and lots of fun. For more information on 4-H on if you would like to become part of our community clubs please contact Aggie Rogers at our 4-H office, 671-3276.