What makes a group of 4-H adult volunteers pull out of the Robeson County Center of the North Carolina Cooperative Extension Service Parking lot at 6 a.m. on a Saturday morning? The annual
state 4-H Volunteer Leaders' Conference of course. This annual event is held each year the the RTP Sheraton in Raleigh. It is designed to allow volunteers from across the state to network, receive training, and give a pat on the back to those who have excelled in their volunteer roles over the last year. This year's theme "Go Green...We Did!" With several ideas center on recycled and reusable projects.
Our Robeson County representatives this year included; Katherine, Kenneth and Laura Bethea, Jane Hurst, Missy McLean, Marilyn Merritt, Aggie and Bobby Rogers, Larry Russ and Shea Ann DeJarnette. Aggie and Shea Ann travelled up to teach two different trainings. Aggie worked with volunteers to show them the importance and ease of doing a project and cumulative record book with their youth. Shea Ann partnered with Michelle Stumbo (4-H Agent in Richmond County) and Lauren Irby (4-H Agent in Chatham County) to provide a training on all aspects of putting together a livestock show.
Our volunteers took part in a variety of training workshops that will enhance the work they are doing here in the county. The workshops varied just like the interest of our volunteers and youth. Workshops attended included; club finances, parliamentary procedure, 4-H target shooting sports, electric workshop, livestock showing, leather craft, my personal spa, bug out, and snacks attack. From these various workshops the volunteers have brought back a wealth of knowledge and information to enhance their own skills and share with other leaders at an upcoming training.
After workshops the group conducted district business and state business during association business meetings. We also had a chance to recognize volunteers as part of the lunch awards banquet and dinner awards which included the instillation of officers. Each district has a responsibility each year. This year the South Central District was asked to create the "green" center pieces for the evening banquet. Each county was asked to create 5 and Aggie and Bobby Rogers took on this task. Bobby cut and with Aggie's help spray painted foam to create 5 original birthday cakes. The items used to decorate them were all reused items. After the banquet we spent time socializing and helping the association raise funds during their annual auction.
The next morning we awoke to a wonderful breakfast and guest speaker, Donna Ebron. She motivated each person in the room to look inside themselves and do what they do best. She encouraged our volunteers not to be discouraged if they did not see immediate changes in our youth because down the road they would find out what a positive impact they have had, sharing their passions with our young people.
If you would like more information on this event or future volunteer trainings please contact Shea Ann DeJarnette at (910) 671-3276 or Shea_Ann_DeJarnette@ncsu.edu.