Friday, December 27, 2024

Christmas Kindness Goes a Long Way

This article was written for the Robesonian by our own Shea Ann DeJarnette.


It’s funny to me, during the holiday season as we count our blessings and feel so grateful, that we want to share those blessings with others. Sharing might range from giving gifts to those who might otherwise not have Christmas, to donating food for holiday meals, and even donating our time or money during this holiday season. Did you know that almost 10 percent of all charitable donations occur during the last three days of the year? What makes it funny to me is that this happens because we put such an emphasis on this during the holidays.

I make these comments merely as an observation. There is no sarcasm, judgment, or criticism involved. Honestly, I am on this path because my family members had purchased some gifts for children who never arrived at a holiday celebration years ago, and these toys sat new in boxes and it was time for them to go to someone who would enjoy and appreciate them. In that hunt to become “Santa” we heard stories of families in need, each with a set of unique circumstances that would touch your heart and remind you how strong and resilient these families were, even if they may have felt that way.

Some families have channels for help and assistance, others do not. Oftentimes it is hard to ask for help, and sometimes, based on their circumstances, help is not easily obtainable. That also translates the other way for folks that want to help. Oftentimes they do not know where to turn to volunteer or to give. Some people are connected with church families or organizations such as Rotary or Kiwanis that give back to the community in an organized effort. Some worry about where to give because they have heard stories of graft or they want their funds to be used here at home and not in a corporate structure where only part of their gift goes to help people.

As I thought about this, I wanted to offer a solution if you want to give. Robeson County has so many nonprofit organizations that help people – from feeding and clothing them, to offering emergency assistance, education, and health needs – it can be daunting. One agency that can help, is Lumber River United Way. They fund 18 partnering agencies in four counties that make a difference. You can donate to a specific agency or a specific county. To be completely transparent, Robeson County 4-H is one of the agencies funded by Lumber River United Way. So are the 4-H programs in Hoke and Bladen Counties. The funds they provide do not go to salaries for our 4-H programs, but directly to programming so we can make our activities as affordable and impactful as possible. Lumber River United Way vets the agencies they support and require reporting to ensure the funds you are donating are being spent in the manner intended.

If volunteering your time is really what you want to do, Lumber River United Way can help with that also. They can refer you to an agency in need of volunteers or you can volunteer with them. There is always something that needs to be done, and they can always use a hand.

So, as you are thinking about giving back this holiday season please don’t overlook Lumber River United Way as an option, because the impact you can make in the community through this organization will be positive and lasting.

For more information, please contact Shea Ann DeJarnette, 4-H Youth Development Agent with North Carolina Cooperative Extension, Robeson County Center, at 910-671-3276, by E-mail at, or visit our website at Shea Ann is also licensed by the Emily Post Institute as a child etiquette teacher.

Thursday, December 5, 2024

4-H Scholarships and Honor Club

The NC 4-H Honor Club and 4-H Scholarship application materials are now available online. Please review the important details and deadlines outlined below to ensure all applications are submitted correctly and on time.

Application Deadlines

  • Due Date: January 27 at 5:00 PM

  • Submission Method: Applications can be emailed to or documents can be brought and dropped off at the 4-H office and we will get them scanned and uploaded for you.

Key Information and Links

  1. Honor Club Applications

    • Eligibility: Applicants must be between 16 and 20 years of age as of January 1, 2024, with at least three years of 4-H work.

    • Submission Requirements: A single PDF file of all materials and a headshot photo of the applicant.

    • Application Link: NC 4-H Honor Club Application

  2. 4-H Scholarship Applications

    • Eligibility: Current NC 4-H members who are high school seniors with at least three years of 4-H experience.

    • Submission Requirements: One PDF file containing all required documents except the Financial Need Statement (to be mailed separately). A separate PDF of the applicant's résumé is also required.

    • Application Guide: 4-H Scholarship Guide

Additional Notes

  • Financial Need Statements: Mail directly to:
    Dr. Shannon McCollum
    4-H Youth Development Specialist, Extension 4-H Associate
    Box 7655, NCSU
    Raleigh, NC 27695-7655

  • You can mail the financial need statement or bring to our office to mail on your behalf based on the deadline above.

Honor Club Membership Expectations

New Honor Club members are required to pay lifetime dues upon induction. Robeson County 4-H will cover this expense.

For further details on eligibility, application materials, and submission procedures, please refer to the links provided.

Monday, December 2, 2024

Winter Fling


Winter Fling is officially available for registration.  The event will be a one day event held in Jacksonville, NC.  It is open to Robeson County 4-H members ages 14-18.  Robeson County 4-H will pay the cost of this event, using United Way Funds, as long as you register prior to January 16 using this online form.  If you register and do not attend you will be responsible for refunding the program for your $15 registration fee.

The link to register is:

For more information about this event please contact Shea Ann DeJarnette, 4-H Extension Agent at (910) 671-3276.

Thursday, November 21, 2024

United Way News




The Bladen and Robeson County Empty Stocking Funds are collecting donations to ensure that children in both counties have a wonderful Holiday Season!

The Empty Stocking Fund is a collaboration between the Bladen Journal, The Robesonian, and the Bladen & Robeson Department of Social Services.

Please consider contributing by mailing a check to Lumber River United Way at PO Box 2652, Lumberton, NC 28359. or donating online

Lumber River United Way

Lucky Duck Derby

The Lucky Duck Derby is back! Join us on Saturday, March 8th at 2:15 pm on the Riverwalk in downtown Lumberton for the largest rubber duck race east of the Mississippi!


Proceeds benefit Dolly Parton's Imagination Library in Dillon and Robeson Counties. Each duck ticket purchased provides a child with a book per month for one year!

You can purchase a lone duck for $20 or a quack pack (6 for $100) from any United Way board or staff member. Duck tickets may also be purchased on United Way's website.

Lumber River United Way 2024 Campaign

A big shout out to Peterson Toyota and CITGO—Fueling Good

for sponsoring LRUW's 2024 Campaign $5,000 Fair Share Giveaway!

FAIR SHARE IS ONE HOURS PAY PER MONTH FOR ONE YEAR. There's still time to participate in LRUW's 2024 Campaign and impact the lives of our neighbors in need.

Visit LRUW's website for details!

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Tuesday, November 19, 2024

4-H Snowflake Celebration


It's that time of year folks.  Time to recognize our youth and volunteers for a years worth of hard work and maybe some fun along the way.  As Jade and I sit here tabulating up what you have done I think you will be amazed at the impact you have made in the community.  

  That being said...we will release the awards segment of our program the evening of Friday, December 13 across our social media channels and right here on the blog.  Based on your feedback we will have an open house celebration on Saturday, December 14 from 10 until 2 at our office.  There will be a tree to trim, games, crafts, community service project (donating gently used and new books), hot chocolate bar, edible snowman construction boxes, and a snowball fight area.  All family friendly and a great time for folks to pick up their awards and gifts.  Drop in whenever you can and please make sure to register ( so that we can prepare enough for everyone (afterall we don't want to run short of snow balls...even though we are planning to let our youth make snow at the event).

  Just like a snowflake, our 4-H members and volunteers are one of a kind.  We can't wait to recognize everyone and have a celebration for you that will be like no other.  Come out and have a ball, a snowball that is.   

Wednesday, November 13, 2024

Aspiring Film Makers?


My name is Brielle Barozzini and I am organizing a student film festival in collaboration with the North Carolina Association of County Commissioners and 100 Strong Productions. I wanted to share more about the festival and to see if you would be willing to share about this opportunity within Robeson County.


The film festival is for North Carolina middle school, high school, and undergraduate students. Films can be of any genre and must be under 15 minutes to be considered. Our prompt is that we are looking for films that uplift counties and local governments. We are accepting submissions through January 15th and the festival will be in Raleigh next May. 


Films that are selected to be a part of the 100 Strong Productions Student Film Festival will have the opportunity to be awarded a prize package valued up to $1,000. 


Here is our film festival website:

Here is our submission page:

Just a quick overview you can be in middle school, high school, or and undergraduate college student to participate.  There is a $20 fee for each submission.  Videos can be 1-15 minutes long.  


We are looking for stories that uplift North Carolina counties and local governments. 

What does this prompt mean? 

Here are some examples:


Tuesday, November 12, 2024

Family Canning Night


We are excited to offer a brand new opportunity, Family Canning Night.  4-H and Family and Consumer Sciences are partnering for this first ever opportunity.  On December 11, from 6-8 pm, we will offer a canning safety class with practical experience as you make and can Tomato Jam as a family.  The cost is $10 per family (up to four people per family).  This cost will cover supplies.  Registration is on a first come first serve basis and must be done in person with payment at our office at 455 Caton Road, Lumberton, NC 28360.  There is a limit of 16 people for the class.   For questions please contact Wendy Maynor, Family Consumer Science Extension Agent at or Shea Ann DeJarnette, 4-H Extension Agent at   

Sunday, November 10, 2024

JMG Celebration


There was a challenge and the challenge was accepted.  Dirty Rascal Junior Master Gardener Leaders said if the youth planted sunflowers and they won at the fair there would be a club party added to the meetings at the end of the year.  Guess what happened?  

   Multiple first place wins for the JMG's so club members mark your calendar and register for your end of the year celebration!  You won't want to miss it.  Also don't forget to register on Eventbrite for all the fun.  Must be a member of the JMGs to register and actively registered in 4-H Online to attend.

Friday, November 8, 2024

Veteran's Day Celebrations


Below is a message from Chris Oxendine, the Director of Veteran Affairs in Robeson County about upcoming Veteran's Day Celebrations.  Please note this is a great Civic Engagement Opportunity for our youth.

      I wanted to share information about Veterans Day ceremonies being held on Monday November 11th, 2024, happening in Robeson County.  Please share this information with staff, family and friends.  This coming Monday November 11th is Veterans Day, if you are able to please take some time to attend these events.  Veterans have fought and some never came home from fighting, many came home with physical injuries, and many came home with mental conditions.  They fought by putting their lives on the line in service of this great country so that we can have the freedoms we have today.  They did id unselfishly without a second thought.  A veteran is someone who wrote a blank check made payable to The United States of America for an amount up to and including their life.  Please see the list below of ceremonies that will he held on Monday November 11th, in honor of Veterans Day.

Town of Fairmont will host a Veterans Day ceremony at the Heritage Center located on Main Street at 11:00AM.  Guest speaker will be Rev. Kerry Barr

Town of St. Pauls will host a memorial service at 11:00AM located at War Memorial building following all day festivities.

Town of Rowland will host a Veterans Day luncheon at 11:00AM located at Depot.

Town of Pembroke will have a Veterans Day parade at 10:00AM starting at Pembroke Elementary and ending at UNC-Pembroke / Railroad St. next to Burger King.  There will be a Veterans Day ceremony following parade at 11:00AM located at Milton R. Hunt Memorial Park, guest speaker will be Eric Oxendine.

The DAV chapter 7 will be hosting a Veterans Day ceremony at 11:00AM at the DAV building located on Hwy 41 going to Fairmont.

Also, please see enclosed flyer and link for Veterans Day discounts on restaurants and retailers on Monday November 11th, 2024.

"The willingness of Americas veterans to sacrifice for our country has earned them our lasting gratitude".  Please share and pass on this information and have a blessed day.

Thursday, October 24, 2024

Tips for Applying to NCSU

 Good morning - 

I hope this message finds you well. I am writing to you today as the Associate Dean and Director of CALS Academic Programs with a request that you assist me in Growing the Pack! 

You are keenly aware that agriculture is the backbone of North Carolina’s economy. The success of this sector is not only vital for our economy but also for the sustenance and well-being of our communities. The role of the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences cannot be overstated. CALS is at the forefront of agricultural education, research, and extension services, equipping students with the knowledge and skills necessary to address the complex challenges facing modern agriculture, from sustainable farming practices to innovative biotechnologies.

As we face global challenges, the need for well-trained graduates who can lead and innovate in the agricultural sector is more pressing than ever. CALS is uniquely positioned to meet this demand, but Academic Programs cannot do it alone. I need your assistance in reaching students we hope to enroll in our high-need majors.

As a former first-generation student, I can personally attest that there is always a path to NC State. I didn’t start in CALS, but it is where I finished. Remember, the answer is always no if you don’t apply.

My team and I are eager to engage with those in your community. For those just now starting to consider a college degree, I ask that you share this link with them: We’ll provide information about opportunitiesscholarships, and extend invitations to come Spend a Day at State.

For students already preparing their application, we created a “3 Tips to Make Your NC State Application Shine” video, which is packed with helpful tips to guide students through the process and ensure their application stands out.

Here’s a quick look at what they’ll learn:
  • Start Early: Applying Early Action to NC State can help students reduce stress and give them priority consideration for scholarships and the Honors Program.
  • Be Honest: Encourage students to be genuine and share their goals, hopes and dreams in their essays. A clear, authentic story is key to showing how NC State is the right fit for them.
  • Believe in Yourself: Remind them to highlight their unique achievements and personal growth. NC State Admissions looks at every applicant holistically.
Please share the video with students you know to help them feel more confident as they complete the application process. For more information on applying to CALS, visit Guidance for Applicants.

Thank you for your continued support in guiding future Wolfpack members!

Go Pack!

Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Youth Advocacy

 This is a message shared by Dr. Mike Yoder to all 4-H Agents.  

Good Afternoon!


I hope you're doing well. My name is Kelvin and I'm the Director of Community Engagement at NC Child. Applications are now open for our 2024-25 Youth Advocacy Council! The YAC gives high school students the opportunity to build advocacy skills by meeting with state and local elected officials about youth mental health issues. Would you please share this opportunity with students in your network? The application, official email and website link on the program is attached below.


We are seeking students who are representative of all of North Carolina, including non-college-track students, students of color, and rural students. As such, we encourage students without any advocacy experience to apply as long as they are passionate and have an eagerness to learn and grow within their skillsets. Thank you for your time!


Website Link: Youth Advocacy Council - NC Child






Are you passionate about making a difference in your community? Do you want to build leadership and advocacy skills while influencing state and local policies? If so, the NC Child Youth Advocacy Council (YAC) is looking for you!


The NC Child Youth Advocacy Council is a unique opportunity for high school students across North Carolina to have their voices heard and be part of meaningful change.


As a member of YAC, you will:

  • Advocate for policies that impact youth, especially around youth mental health
  • Engage with policymakers to help shape decisions at the state and local levels
  • Develop skills in leadership, advocacy, and communication


Who Should Apply?

We are seeking high school students (grades 9-12) from diverse geographic areas of North Carolina, with a range of backgrounds and experiences. You don’t need prior political experience; you just need a passion for creating change and the confidence to share your unique perspective on the issues affecting young people. We especially encourage students from all walks of life, whether on a college or non-college track to apply.


Program Details:

  • Term: January 1 – August 1, 2025
  • Meetings: Hybrid (virtual and in-person), with stipends and reimbursement for travel
  • Stipend: You will receive a flat-rate stipend for your involvement ($750)


Why Apply?

Since its creation almost ten years ago, YAC members have tackled issues like the vaping epidemic, youth mental health, and access to resources for their peers. If interested, this is your chance to bring your voice and passion to the table for the next generation of youth-led policy solutions!


Ready to Apply?

Submit your application by November 15th, 2024, and take the first step toward becoming a youth advocate. If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to Josh McGee at

Together, we can make a difference for North Carolina's future!


Apply Here