Tuesday, September 10, 2024

4-H Volunteer Possible Educator of the Year

  We are so excited to announce that 4-H Volunteer Taleek Harlee is one of the 2024 finalists for First Bank's Out of this World Educator Award.  Please take a moment to vote for your top five finalists and their chance to win $5,000.

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We need YOUR help picking our winners for 2024!

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Help us pick our 2024 winners!

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As a past winner of First Bank's Out of This World Educator Awards or Project Launch Contest, we want YOUR help in selecting the most-valued educators to join the ranks in 2024. You've seen firsthand the good that comes from being recognized as an outstanding educator and community partner and we would like you to be a part of our selection process this time around.

Please complete the winner selection survey linked below to help pick out who you think are Out of This World Educators by Friday, September 13 at 6 PM.

After the results are tallied, the winners will be invited to our awards celebration in Southern Pines on October 10 and be given $5,000 in recognition of their incredible efforts in education. More celebration details will be coming soon to your inbox so be sure to save the date  — we hope to see you there as well!


Monday, September 2, 2024

A Call to Action from United Way

Call to Action from LRUW Board President Gary Locklear

Dear United Way supporter,


We are excited to share the incredible impact that the generosity of community members like you has made over the past year. This support has been instrumental in supporting fifteen partner agency programs, providing essential care to the uninsured, victims of domestic violence, and educational scholarships for children.


None of this would have been possible without our community's collective support and involvement with Lumber River United Way. We have made a significant impact together, and you are a vital part of this collective effort.


Consider the depth of your impact over the last year:

·        Thanks to your steadfast support, 20,460 meals were served to unhoused or those in need.

·        Due entirely to your generosity, 385 families were assisted with hotel and clothing vouchers after a home fire.

·        Your contribution has also enabled Lumber River United Way to provide shoes, winter coats, and basic needs to the over 400 homeless students in our service area.

Visit LRUW's website to learn more about all fifteen partner agencies receiving funding and to view a list of United Way programs, such as the Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) program and On The Spot feminine hygiene pads.  


As we embark on Lumber River United Way’s 2024 Campaign, I invite you to join the over 5,000 annual donors, small businesses, manufacturing facilities, and foundations in making a difference in Bladen, Dillon, Hoke, and Robeson Counties. Your continued support is crucial in our mission to serve our community.


Again, thank you for your steadfast support of Lumber River United Way; we could not accomplish our goals without you.

Gary Locklear

Board President