Thursday, October 29, 2020

4-H is the Constant in Change

 The following article was written by our own Wendy Maynor, 4-H Program Associate, for the Robesonian.  For more information you can find the article on the extension website at

In a world of rapid change young people need the right mix of education and life skills to thrive. We are all adapting to the new normal of using technology to communicate for business and education. A lot of extracurricular activities that we counted on and enjoyed with our children are cancelled, and people are home-bound more than ever. Finding that one thing you can count on right now can be difficult when things are changing at such a rapid pace.

Wouldn’t you like to be a part of the one constant? Consider joining the Robeson County 4-H Program. We aren’t cancelling programs; we are adjusting and adapting to the new normal while facing new challenges, which is giving us an opportunity to think outside the box and grow. There is flexibility to adjust programming to virtual instead of face-to-face during these unprecedented times while still maintaining traditional programs and adding new ones. When we feel it is safe for our 4-H volunteers, members, and their families, we have plans in place to offer a hybrid program and face-to-face programming again.

The Robeson County 4-H Program is the perpetual, perfect avenue for youth to learn valuable life skills. Youth have the opportunity to make a direct impact on their peers, clubs, and community. They will develop leadership skills and gain more self-confidence along the way. The four values that members work on through fun and engaging programs are included in the 4-H Pledge.

So what is the 4-H Pledge? “I pledge my HEAD to clearer thinking, my HEART to greater loyalty, my HANDS to larger service, and my HEALTH to better living, for my club, my community, my country, and my world.”

Head stands for decision making, planning, organizing, problem solving, and using knowledge throughout life. Heart stands for strong personal values, positive self-concept, concern for others, cooperation, and communication. Hands stands for volunteering, community engagement, preparing for the world of work, science and technology literacy, and useful skills. Health stands for healthy lifestyles, character, ethics, stress management, and disease prevention.

Academic skills are important, but they are not sufficient alone to foster well-rounded, productive, and engaged youth. Young people need to develop a broad range of skills to evaluate situations, make good decisions, and apply their  knowledge in ways that meet the new demands of our changing social community and world. Skills like leadership, communication, public speaking, teamwork, critical thinking, and flexibility have been – and will always be – important for work and life. Wouldn’t you like to be a part of something that is educational, fun, positive, and is always constant in the midst of change?

For more information, contact Wendy Maynor, Extension 4-H Youth Development Program Associate, at 910-671-3276, by Email at, or visit our website at

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