It was the unmistakable sounds of sheering, goats dragging their feet, and the smell of Billy's that lets you know that the goat show was here. More than 100 goats butted heads to get to
this event and as always we had a humdinger of a good time.
The afternoon started with the 4-H Showmanship category. In this category the youth are broken into four age categories and compete against each other for best showperson. As always the Cloverbuds, our 5-8 year old's stole people's hearts and the show when they entered the ring. Delani Reep, Bailey Coffer, and Lucy Harvell walked into the ring with their goats in one hand and walked out with a trophy and ten dollars in the other hand when it was all over.
In the new Junior 9-10 year old age Division the competition was tight, but Judge Randal White did an excellent job determining the best of the best. Michaela McInnis walked out of the ring with the blue first place ribbon, Jordan Carroll came in second, and Andi-Ann Davis third. Participants in this round included Christian Deese, Matthew Acorn, Preston Hall, Melquan Dinnerson and Justin Ford.
There were two heats of Juniors in the 11 - 13 age group and took time to determine the top tier. Walking away with the blue ribbon was Morgan Rockwell, Elizabeth Deese came in second, and Ryan McInnis in third. Jeremy Fehlman, Trey Mcinnis, and Sarah Maske rounded out the top six with Grayson McQueen, Dalton Coffer, Theresa Fehlman, Catherine DeBerry, Elizabeth Harvell, and Meranda Dennis.
The Senior Division exploded with competition as almost 30 youth were viaing to be the top contenders in this division. Participants included Amanda Ropp, Jay Joiner, Leah McCauley, Darren Lefler, Erain Montalvo, Patrick Roach, Blake Hunter, Dillion Dennis, Joshua Snodgrass, Garrett Williams, and Jeremy Beavers. Walking away in top slots were Michael Ezzell, Nathan Ezzell, Paige Harrelson, Allen Monk, Sarah Herring, Erin Brewer, Jose Hernandez, Dixie Acorn, and Dana Warwick. John Walton took third, Stephanie Carter took second place, and Johanna Carter took first place.
Showmanship was just the beginning of this competition. After weighing in, participants had the opportunity to compete in weight classes. The Lightweight Division was first up and goats weighing 21 to 55 pounds entered the ring. Dillion Dennis with Alvin took first, Jeremy Fehlman with Chocolate took second, and Michael Ezzell placed third. In the Middleweight Division, the weight spread was from 57 pounds to 79 pounds. Ryan McInnis took first place in this division with his goat 7-Up. Keeping it in the family Trey McInnis placed second with Blossom, and Johanna Carter walked away with the white ribbon thanks to her goat Gayle. In the Heavyweight Division, the goats weighed from 80 to 135 pounds. John Walton ans his goat Star Dust walked away with the blue ribbon in this category while his goat Classic took second. Following up in third place was Theresa Fehlman with her goat Pistol.
Our 4-H Grand and Reserve Champion awards went to John Walton, his goat Star Dust took Grand Champion and his goat Classic took the Reserve spot.
Many of our 4-H members stayed on to take their shot in the Adult/Youth Show that followed the 4-H shows. The Adult/Youth Shows are divided into percentage does, full blooded does, percentage bucks and full blooded bucks. Within those four categories the goats are shown by birth date. The doe shows have numerous entries each year. Below is a list of the top three winners in each category that had entries as well as the Grand and Reserve Champions for the does and bucks.
Percentage Doe Competition
Born after 6/30/08
1-Joyce Evans with Susie
1-Davis Moye with Little Dipper
2-Michael Ezzell with 0011
3-Catherine DeBerry with Annabelle
1-Davis Moye with Star Light
2-Kelly Bell with Brittany
3-Trey McInnis with ???
1-Ryan McInnis with Ginger
2-Davis Moye with Star Dust
3-Jordan Carroll with Dolly
1-Jay Joiner with 820
2-Davis Moye with Fire Fly
3-Hillary Whitley with Boots
1-Johanna Carter with Annette
2-Evan Whitley with Goldylocks
3-Terry Whitley with Sugar
1-Evan Whitely with Annabelle
2-Cary Lewis with Torn Ear
3-Pam Whitley with Sissy
Born before 8/1/05
1-Davis Moye with Dori
2-Cary Lewis with o and L 99
3-Tommy McPhaul with Sammie
Full Blooded Does
Born after 6/30/08
1-Cary Lewis with O and L 112
2-Stephanie Carter with Cecila
1-Jay Joiner with Surprise
2-Davis Moye with Daffodill
3-Morgan Rockwell with Amy
1-Earnest Dial, Jr. with Rebecca
2-Morgan Rockwell with Daisy
3-Evan Whitley with Gracie
1-John Ronald Walton with Classic
2-Cary Lewis with O and L 109
3-Johanna Carter with Gail
1-Earnest Dial, Jr. with RM 791
2-Cary Lewis with Fancy 103
3-Samantha Dial with Robin Erin
1-Lewis Brooks with No Name
2-John Ronald Walton with Chicken Plate
3-Stephanie Carter with Min-Gin
1-Leon Joyner with J.J.R. Cindy
2-Pam Whitley with Wendy
3-Evan Whitley with Rebecca
Born before 8/1/05
1-Leon Joyner with 2020
2-Jay Joyner with 2048
3-Cary Lewis with Mountain Creek 20
Reserve Champion Doe-Earnest Dial, Jr. with RM791
Grand Champion Doe-John Walton with Classic
Percentage Bucks
Born after 6/30/08
1-Hillary Whitley with Sambo
Full Blooded Bucks
1-Roscoe Oxendine with Earnst
1-Tommy McPhaul with Bud's Bad Boy
2-Earnest Dial with B Mack Drive
3-Justin Dial with Powerstroker
1-Dustin Marcinsky with Hotwire
1-Pam Whitley with Pocket Knife Case
2-Richard Evans with Pocket Knife Treebrand
1-Tommy McPhaul with RM Bud
Born before 8/1/05
1-Cary Lewis with Bull City Chad
2-Richard Evans with Brooks
Reserve Champion Buck-Tommy McPhaul with RM Bud
Grand Champion Buck-Cary Lewis with Bull City Chad
Congratulations to all of our winners!