Can you tell the difference between a laying hen and broiler? If you had attended the Robeson Regional Fair 4-H Poultry show Thursday night you could have had a lesson in everything from how to carry a chicken to what makes an award winning broiler. Judge Summer Russel took time in the ring with each participant talking to them about their experiences, lifting wings, and checking meat areas to determine winners.
In our laying hen cloverbud division, or five to eight year olds, Raven Daughtery, Eli Daughtery and Jospeh Hardee entered the ring with their hens. Our five to eight year old division is non-competitive, it allows the youth to have a chance to learn how to show an animal and have this count as a great learning experience. Each participant left the ring with a trophy for their hard work.
In the junior laying hen division Benjamin Herndon took first place and Ian Daugherty took home the read ribbon in a competition that Judge Russell said was very close. Jeremy Beavers took first place in the senior division as well.
The broilers took center ring next. Our cloverbuds Eli Daughtery and Raven Daughtery showed our judge all the new things they had learned and practiced their showing skills again. In the junior division Judge Russel said it came down to one broiler having just a little more meat on its hip then the other and Benjamin Herdon took home the blue ribbon while Ian Daughtery took home the red.
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