November is traditionally the month for elections. Our 4-H members and volunteers had the opportunity to practice their voting skills while electing our 4-H County Council and 4-H Volunteer Leaders Association members.
The 4-H County Council are 4-H members between the ages of 14 and 19. We prefer youth who have shown leadership skills within their clubs serving as club officers and feel they are ready to handle the responsibility of being an officer on the county level. Officer positions available are President Elect, Treasurer, Secretary, Reporter, and Sergeant at Arms. The officers on the volunteer side who are elected represent the volunteers and conduct quarterly meeting for our volunteers on the county level. the officers elected on the volunteer side include; President-Elect, Treasurer, Secretary, and Reporter. Each organization also has a President. The President is rotated into office and serves and the President-Elect the year before their Presidential term.
We started with taking nominations from the floor and then headed into voting. The slate of
4-H County Council Officers included; Aljaquon Nixon for President, Laquanda Banks for President-Elect, Korina Pittman and Yazmin Washington for Secretary, Keorie McMillan and Monique Edwards for Treasurer, Christian McRae and Kristen Sealey for Reporter, Jacoya Gathings and Ashley Sealey for Sergeant-at-Arms. When the votes were counted we found the excitement was just starting. Aljaquan Nixon was elected President, Laquawanda Banks President-Elect, Yazmin Washington took her third term as Secretary, Monique Edwards became the Treasurer, and Kristen Sealey will be our Reporter. The Sergeant-at -Arms position was in a dead heat with equal votes for both candidates. Different ways were discussed to break the tie and we ended up flipping a coin to determine the winner. When it was all said and done Ashley Sealey walked away with the officer position and Jacoya Gathings walked away with the coin and a wonderful attitude about the turn out.
The 4-H Volunteer Leaders' Association election was not quite as much of a thrill ride but it was very exciting. There was only one person slated for each position so each was elected to the position which they were slated for. The 2010 4-H Volunteer Leaders' Association officers are Hazel Sumner as President, Nikki Edwards as President-Elect, Susan Floyd as Secretary, Melissa McLean as Treasurer, Joyce Peay as Reporter, and Renee Blue will be the past President.
After the election results were announced Dave Welch, a former 4-H Agent and member of our 4-H Specialized Committee swore in our new officers during the candlelight ceremony. Dave tried to impress on our incoming officers the importance of their office and the responsibility that they have. Congratulations to all of our incoming officers and we are looking forward to your leadership of our Volunteers and Members in the future.
A few other announcements from this evening. District Fall day is coming up this Saturday in Moore County for out Volunteers. Also there is a county volunteer training coming up on the 10th for our Volunteers. It will be a make and take session that will allow our volunteers to leave with all sorts of ideas for club meetings. Also our annual Volunteer Appreciation banquet is coming up on November 13th. Deadline to sign up is Monday November 9th. This is the night that we honor our volunteers for all that they do and we have a special surprise this evening. Dr. Marshall Stewart, our state 4-H program leader will be joining us for this special evening. Also there will be an announcement that will change the face of our 4-H program in Robeson County and our support of our Volunteers. This will be a night that will go down in the history of 4-H so you will not want to miss it!
A couple of other announcements include the new use of technology to make communication easier. Our 2010 program calendar is on google calendars so you can access it year round. We will update regularly and you will have access to it 24-7. You can access it by clicking the link above or you can go to the google website under more click on the calendar. Sign in if you have a google account if not you can quickly and easily make one with your e-mail address. You can search for the 4-H County Programs Calendar and you can link to it and it will show you all the upcoming events. Also we will be sending out reminders on Twitter. If you would like you can sign up for reminders and updates from Twitter by clicking on this link and signing up to follow us. You can also set it up to get updates from us on your mobile phone. If you already have a Twitter account and want to search for us just put in RobesonCounty4H and you will find our page and you can sign up to follow us. To make sure there is no inappropriate material on our Twitter page we will not use it to follow anyone else it will only be used one way to send messages to those who want to know what we are up do. Also mark your calendars for December 11, 2009 which is our Youth Achievement Night. We are looking forward to seeing everyone that night and more details will be coming about this night.
Stay tuned for more announcements and updates as we wind down the 2009 year and gear up for 2010.
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