As Summer ends 4-H members, parents, volunteers and staff turn their attention to the next big event on the horizon....the fair season. As animal shows kick into high gear it is time to get our youth ready to roll with their animals. Our youth received their animals in May as part of the animal science training. Now we have to check in on them and make sure all is well.
Friday afternoon we offered our annual health certificate clinic for 4-H youth who have goats, heifers, steers, or lambs. Health certificates are required for these animals to travel on the road and to get into many of the fairs and animal shows in the area. Bruce Akers, the state vet for our area, helps us with our clinic to make sure our 4-H members are ready to roll. He checks the animals temperatures, lung sounds, and a few other things before issuing an official certificate that says these animals are healthy and ready for fair season. This also offers Michelle Shooter, Extension Livestock Agent, the opportunity to work with the youth and give them some pointers of things they need to work on before the show at the fair.
So far our goats, heifers, and steers look really healthy. Our next stop for these animals? The Robeson Regional Agricultural Fair. Stay tuned in October as we give you the step by step details of what happens.
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