The members of the Dirty Dozen 4-H Shooting Sports Club met today to get the fair in their sights and take aim on the best 4-H booth at the fair.
However, first things first, Peggy Monk, a parent with the group and Bladen County 4-H volunteer did a civics lesson with the club. The members learned about what it takes to become a United States Citizen and realized if they had to take the test to become a citizen they would not be able to pass it. After talking about the responsibilities of being a citizen and learning more about the different branches of government they sat down to write thank you notes to the adults in Fairmont who have been supporting their club from behind the scenes. People like police chief Danny Parker and Laverne Hunt who keeps the range trimmed, weeds sprayed, and ants under control. The thank you notes will be delivered to the recipients this month.
After working and concentrating the youth got down to the hard part, working on the displays. After creating their designs on the computer the images were projected onto various display boards for them to trace out. Someone else was also in charge of cutting out club photos for the boards.
The members also served as models as they worked on gun safety displays and talked about the things they practice at every meeting. After completing two of their displays they adjourned their meeting. The members will meet two more times this month to finish their displays and then set up their fair booth. We can't wait to see how it all comes together.

You will have the chance to see photos of the booth on our 4-H blog. However a photo rarely captures the actual grandeur of the booth and its educational value. So the best way to see it is in person at the Robeson Regional Fair which will take place September 30, 2010 thru October 9, 2010. For more information, advance tickets, entertainment and this years schedule please check the fair website.
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