We are very very busy in Cloverbud Day Camp.
Day three had us cooking up all sorts of treats and scientific concoctions. To better understand our day you need to realize we have a complex schedule that starts at 8: 30 am and continues until 3 pm. It is almost like being in school but a whole lot more fun.
We began our day with our favorite thing...coloring. Each morning we make a color art piece to take home with us. Then we sit down on the carpet and go over our schedule for the day. Then it is game time. It gives us a chance to work on team work, sportsmanship and play one of our favorite games, the alarm game. We can't share the rules with you but we can tell you it is a whole bunch of fun.

After our morning exercising, we work up an appetite for our morning snack. After enjoying that it was time to kick back with Mrs. Janice and Miss. Shea Ann. Mrs. Janice had really cool worksheets for to do to review our measurements, we also got to smell our pyramid cookies cooking. Miss Shea Ann had a similar theme because we got to use cookie cutters for this exercise. She showed us how to make our own paper pulp out of used paper and water in a blender. then we took the mush and made shapes out of it with the cookie cutters. Then we added seeds to make them grow cards. What happens is when the cards dry we can give them as gifts to people and let them plant them. The paper will act as a biodegradable mulch and help the seeds germinate and grow. It is really fun to do.

After all of the cookie fun we had lunch with Mrs. Penny. After lunch Mrs. Tanya came and we had story time with her. She read us great stories then we did dot art with her and it was colorful fun. After we worked with Mrs. Tanya it was time for Mrs. Tamekia and Professor Popcorn. After reviewing different types of food in different types of food groups it was time to start cooking.

We made our own individual pizzas with really neat ingredients. We put our own sauce and cheese on them and then a variety of veggie toppings. They put them in the oven and we had a neat treat to eat before we went home today.
We had all sorts of fun today and can't wait to see what is in store for us on Thursday! No doubt it will be more Cloverbud fun!
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