Competing in the Junior 9-10 age division were; Faith Thompson, Delani Reep, Savannah Chappell, Coleman Berry, Liberty Cooper, Abigail Hamilton, Grace Fehlman, Eddie Deberry, Thomas Smith, and McKenzie Beeson. After being in the ring and talking with the judge Eddie Deberry walked away with the white ribbon, McKenzie Beeson received the red ribbon, and Savannah Chappell took home the blue ribbon.
In the Junior 11-13 age division the competition got even tougher. Competing in this age division were; Cara Smith, Kayla Butler, Alana McQueen, Kristi Reep, Peggyann Kennedy, Madelyn Chappell, Benjamin Herndon, Michaela McInnis, Brianna Hamilton, Jordan Carroll, Davis Moye, Zac Gerald, and Jaylyn McNair. When the dust had settled in the ring Cara Smith took home third place, Benjamin Herndon took home second, and Michaela McInnis took home the blue ribbon.
The fun wasn't over yet. Our cloverbuds got a chance to go back into the ring for extra practice with their very own show. Then it was time for our older 4-H members to take on the market goat show. In this show goats are shown based on their weight. There are three divisions; lightweight, middleweight, and heavyweight. This year the lightweight division was made up of goats weighing between 37 and 69 pounds. We had 25 competitors in this division; Liberty Cooper with Jackson, Eddie Deberry with Piedmont, Thomas Smith with Izzy, Abigail Hamilton with Mudflap, Clara Smith with Boo Boo, Grace Fehlman with Gibbs, Jaylyn McNair with Kirby, Eddie Deberry with Flower, Kristi Reep with Red, Coleman Berry with Elliot, Kacie Beeson with Moon Pie, Kayla Butler with Billy Bob, Dixie Acorn with Winchester, Zac geral with Buddy, Morgan Rockwell with Walker, Delani Reep with SweetBabyRay, Savannah Chappell with Toby, Michaela McInnis with Apache, Madelyn Chappell with Eeorye, McHaela McInnis with Pebbles, Teresa Fehlman with Nighmare, Jeremy Fehlman with Dawn, Sarah Maske with Munchkin, McKenzie Beeson with Cora, Grayson McQueen with Hershey, Santiago Robinson-Acuna with Road Runner. After all the action settled down in the ring the judge had a tough decision. In the end Zac Gerald with Buddy took home the white ribbon, Michael McInnis with Apache took home the red ribbon, while Santiago Robinson-Acuna with Road Runner took home the coveted blue ribbon.
In the middle weight division there were 34 competitors. The goats weights ranged from 71-89 pounds. The competitors in this division were; Kristi Reep with Piere, Michaela McInnis with Sunshine, Brandon Coats with SlingBlade, Madison McInnis with Pixie, Eddie Deberry with Nibbler, Morgan Rockwell with Texas Ranger, Kane Butler with Happy, Coleman Berry with Stampede, Alayna McQueen with 1704, Faith Thompson with Fireball Nathan Ezzell with 1756, Abigail Hamilton with Blossom, HenriAnna Joyner with Steve, Michaela McInnis with Chiingy, Morgan Honeycutt with Pickles, John Ronald Walton with Jimmy, Santiago Robinson-Acuna with Phoenix, Benjamin Hernodn with Trafalgar, Peggyann Kennedy with Spunky, Brianna Hamilton with Wags, Sebastian Gomez with Pablo, Rayann Eldridge with Billy, Kayla Butler with Bocephus, Santiago Acuna-Robinson with Chico, Dixie Acorn with Muzzle Load, Jordan Carroll with Gunsmoke, Morgan Honeycutt with Drewster, Madelyn Chappell with Baby-loo, Taylor Chappell with Chewy, Abigail Hamilton with Specs, Faith Thompson with Cracker Jack, Coleman Berry with Phineas, Sarah Maske with Strawberry, Dakota Clark with Jethro, and Dakota Clark with Lee. In the market shows we do not allow cloverbuds to show however they can get an older showman to show their goat for them, and in the case of a showperson have more than one goat in the same market division we do allow that person to find a subsititute showperson to show the goat in the ring for them. When it was all over with Abigail Hamilton and Specs took home third place, Dakota Clark with Jethro took home second, and Dakota Clark with Lee took home first place.
Next up, heavy weight division. This division had 29 compeititors with goat weights ranging from 90-140 pounds. Compeititors in this weigh division included; Dalton Sells with Darel, Nathan Ezell with Doe, Davis Moye with Rhino, Sarah Best with Weezy, Savannah Chappell with Honeydew, Nathan Ezzell with 1697, Madelyn Chappell with Cooperhead, Coltin Caldwell with Fred, McKenzie Beeson with Butterscotch, Grayson McQueen with 1705, McKenzie Beeson with Vallie, Wesly Lewis, John Ronald Walton with No. 1, Austin Wilson, Brianna Hamilton with Revolution, Jordan Carroll with Fancy, Quindon Rackley with Dirty Harry, Skyler Powell with Shady, Thomas Smith with Vanilla, Kacie Beeson with Mollie, Dalton Sells with Pistol, Jordan Corrol with Supersport, Brianna Hamilton with Caution, Noah Beeson with Minnie, Jordan Carroll with Loretta, Dixie Acorn with Bullet, Grace Fehlman with Nevada, Clara Smith with Chocolate, Michaela McInnis with Roxie, and Eddie Deberry with Annabelle. When it was all said and done Madelyn Chappel and Cooperhead walked away in third place, Dalton Sells and Pistol took home the red ribbon, and Dalton Sells with Daryl took home first place.
After the official 4-H show we have the adult and youth meat goat breeding show. This show is for does and bucks, with the goats being shown by birth date. This is a very popular show with many of the 4-H members staying on to participate. Below is the list of competitors, with their goats, and the placings in this show.
Percentage Doe
Born after 4/1/11-6/30/11
Moye, Davis with Haley's Comet, 1
Evans, Pam with Jeanie, 2
Fehlman, Teresa with V (0018), 5
Fehlman, Jeremy with Alexis, 4
Deberry, Eddie with Flower, 3
Born after 1/1/2011-3/31/2011
Robinson-Acuna, Santiago with Phoenix, 4
Hamilton, Brianna with Revolution, 3
Hamilton, Abigail with Blossom, 6
Moye, Davis with Trixie, 1
Walton, John Ronald with FSW Zinger, 5
Fehlman, Teresa with The Nitemare, 9
Fehlman, Jeremy with Dawn, 8
Honeycutt, Morgan with Hollywood, 2
Deberry, eddie with Nibbler, 7
Smith, Cara with BoBoo, 11
Smith, Thomas with Izzy, 12
Beeson, Kacie with Moon Pie, 10
Born after 10/1/10-12/31/10
Ezzell, Nathan with Doe, 1
Honeycutt, Eric with Sahara, 2
Born after 4/1/10-9/30/10
Honeycutt, Eric with Brownie, 3
Evans, Alex with Sally, 1
Evans, Ashley with Marvelous, 2
Born after 9/1/09- 3/31/10
Beeson, Noah (CB) with Cora, 6
Beeson, McKenzie with Vallie, 5
Moye, Davis with Yellow Bell, 1
Honeycutt, Morgan with Abracadabra, 2
Smith, Cara with Chocolate, 3
Smith, Thomas with Vanilla, 4
Born after 8/01/08- 8/31/09
Walton, John Ronald BRGF Star, 4
Walton, John Ronald with Daisey Mae, 3
Walton, John Ronald with TJD1 Rachel, 2
Crumpler, Christy with Ruby, 1
Fehlman, Grace with Nevada, 6
Honeycutt, Morgan with Lady Gaga, 5
Beeson, Kacie with Mollie, 9
Beeson, McKenzie with Butterscotch, 7
Beeson, Noah (CB) with Minnie, 8
Before before 8/1/08
Crumpler, Kevin with Dori, 1
Crumpler, Christy with Firefly, 3
Crumpler, Christy with Starlight, 2
Evans, Pam with Trixie, 5
Evans, Terry with Sissy, 6
Honeycutt, Morgan with Magnolia, 4
Debrry, Eddie with Annabelle, 8
Deberry, Susan with Isabelle, 7
Grand Champion Davis Moye with Yellow Belle
Reserve Champion Davis Moye with Trixie
Full Blood Doe
Born after 4/1/11-6/30/11
Rockwell, Morgan with Isabelle, 3
Evans, Alex with Peaches, 4
Evans, Joyce with Isabelle, 1
Honeycutt, Eric with Tater, 2
Born After 1/1/2010-3/31/2011
Carroll, Jordan with Fancey, 1
Simmons, Scott with Rose, 2
Born After 10/1/10-12/31/10
Rockwell, Morgan with Houdinni, 4
Carroll, Jordan with Loretta, 1
Walton, John Ronald with FSW Twinky, 2
Honeycutt, Morgan with Big Red, 3
Born After 4/1/10-9/30/10
Evans, Joyce with Lollipop, 1
Evans, Alex with Patches, 3
Evans, Pam with Abbygail, 2
Born After 9/01/09- 3/31/10
Rockwell, Morgan with Ginger, 2
Walton, John Ronald with FSW Morgan, 1
Born After 8/01/08-8/31/09
Honeycutt, Eric with Spot-O-Gold, 1
Born Before 8/1/08
Rockwell, Morgan with Cloe, 5
Rockwell, Morgan with Daisy, 6
Dial, Earnest with Galaxy, 2
Evans, Ashley with Gracie, 4
Evans, Pam with rebecca, 7
Huneycutt, Morgan with Lola, 3
Grand Champion is Davis Moye with Daffidill
Reserve Champion is John Ronald Walton with Morgan
Full Blood Bucks
Born after 4/1/11-6/30/11
Evans, Alex with Brutus, 1
Born after 9/1/09- 3/31/10
Dial, Earnest with Mr. BoJangles, 1
Born after 8/01/08- 8/31/09
Dial, Earnest with Bud Light, 1
Before before 8/1/08
Dial, Earnest with Bud BadBoy, 1
Evans, Richard with Treebrand, 2
Grand Champion is Tommy McPhail with Budlight
Reserve Champion is Tommy McPhail with Bad Boy Bud
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