I must admit I was a little confused when I saw the
All Around All Stars Arts and Crafts 4-H Club meeting reminder e-mail. In it, club leader Jessica Drake told everyone to be dressed to make a mess. Usually that type of language is found in the meeting reminder for the Junior Master Gardeners. So my curiosity was peaked especially when I saw the flower pots all lined up.

It was up to the club members present to paint all the pots and saucers for a community service project coming up in May. The club members could paint any color they wanted and be as creative as they wanted with the pots. Creative they were. It was more than coloring pairings, we saw stripes, and camo paint being applied. Flowers and dots, pearl essence and impressionist painting going full tilt. Polka dots done with fingers, and some sort of drip/swirl technique (jury is still out on that one) that will make each pot unique.
The pots will be sprayed with a clear acrylic before the next meeting. What will go in them? Well you will just have to wait until the next meeting on May 2, to find out for sure. However I did hear the word concrete being used.......hmmmmmmm........stay tuned for more blooming information.
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