Monday, July 22, 2013

Getting Down to the Business of Fun!

It is our official first full day at camp and it sure was jam packed with activities and fun!  Wake up is bright and early at 7 am.  The younger campers headed straight to breakfast while the older campers worked on chores, like making their beds and cleaning their cabins.  After everyone met at flag raising the age groups switched with the younger ones working on chores and the older ones getting a little something to eat.
By 9 am it was time to head to activities.  Our crafters were working on projects based on age.  The youngest ones working on recycled art projects while the older ones built dream catchers.  Some of the groups got the chance to jump in the pool.  We also had some groups hiking the beaver trail, riding horses, practicing archery, and even canoeing. Just after ten in the morning we were switching activities and even added kickball into the mix. By this point in the day it was time for lunch.  Pizza all around!  After finishing lunch it back out and at it.  Rock wall climbing, horses, and creek stomping hit the agenda as well.
If that's not enough fun for one day not to worry there was more,  after our Mexican Monday Dinner of tacos and corn everyone hit the cabins and got ready for the evening activity.  Didn't think it was possible to have more fun?  Guess what, we had more fun.  First the big announcement of the day was which cabins won the honored gold faucet and silver toilet seat for cleanest cabins.  Today's winners were actually tied with perfect scores.  A centimeter of dirt was what put the girls cabin 2 in the lead for the gold faucet while the boys cabin number 6 took second place.  After the big announcement which is made at flag lowering we split up for evening activity.  The youngest campers headed to water sports while the older campers headed out for a cooking campfire activity that involved s'mores.
Water sports is a series of events that makes almost everyone ecstatic.  The events include the dizzy bat relay which is just like it sounds, the slip and slide, lake time, and pool time.  Dizzy bat is just like it sounds.  Using a pool noodle as a bat two teams compete.  Each person up must spin ten times keeping the bat in place then they take a water soaked sponge and run it to the other end where they squeeze it out in a bucket.  The team that moves the most water the fastest wins. There were grins all around as we enjoyed evening snack by the pool then headed off to our cabins.  There were all showered and got ready for bed.  It was a heavy night of sleep for all of us after a fun and tiring day!  Stay tuned for more information about all our Tuesday fun to come!

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