This is our last week of our 4-H Summer Fun Program and it is reserved for our youngest members, our Cloverbuds the 5 to 8 year olds. Each day this week we have a special theme that we will work around.
Today we were getting down and dirty with gardening. First we had to get some things straight. We all sat down and made our introductions and set out to make our rules. After our parameters of fun were set it was time to play a game.
We all worked together to play the cactus game. Each time this plant gets water it swells storing the moisture so that when it doesn't rain it can survive but it shrinks slightly each day without rain. Our youth pretended to be a cactus and each time it rained their circle got bigger and each time it didn't rain it got a little smaller. They went back and forth until the plant got so big that it burst. It was a lot of fun, with a little education thrown in.
After that it was time to get to business. We talked about the different foods we eat and how we grow everything we eat. Each of our youth sat down and created a hamburger plant. They showed us what a plant would look like if it grew hamburgers as we know them. After making their creation they stood up and shared their vision with us.
After all that thoughtfulness it was time to meet our new friends the worms. We talked about vermi composting and how worms can change waste scraps (veggie and fruit waste scraps, not meat) into soil and fertilizer. We got a chance to see what a coir brick looks like and magically added water changing it into meddling for the worms. We each reached in and grabbed a handful of bedding and fluffed it for our new friends. After the bed was made it was time to add all 120 worms into their new home. We watched as they moved around and started tunneling through the bedding.

After snack it was time to get a little dirtier. After checking on our worms to make sure they were settling in we decided we would grow our own pumpkins. We learned that our pumpkins will need soils, water, air, and light to grow. We also learned that it will take 10-15 days before we see signs of our pumpkins growing but we are very excited about the possibilities. After so much hard work we were ready for a little fun. Our teen helpers this week, Miss Megan and Mr. D'Andre, introduced us to the silent game. We were told that Miss. Megan is the all time champ at this game and we set out to beat her record. We did pretty well getting into a four way tie before our most favorite activity of all, lunch!

Mrs Margaret and Miss Danielle, came in to fix us a spectacular lunch. We had spaghetti, salad, and bread. It was really yummy. After lunch we took a little break to watch twisted and after letting our food digest we headed back to work.

When we got back to our tables we had two more activities waiting. There was also a really big plant waiting to help us do this. Miss Shea Ann told us about the magic of the aloe plant and how it can heal burns. She gave us each a leaf off the big plant to plant and take home, then with the help of our teen helpers we scrape aloe out into a cup, added a little lotion and made aloe vera lotion. We got our projects done just in time to meet Mrs. T.

Mrs. T is the Expanded Foods and Nutrition Education Program assistant and she brought a friend with her, Chef Carl. They told us about healthy eating and how it makes you feel better when you eat the right foods. We listened as Mrs. at read a story about a very hungry caterpillar. Then we answered questions in our workbook that she gave us. When we got done we played a game that let us jump up and down and all around. After we had worked up an appetitive and Mrs. T taught us how to make a healthy snack that used granola, vanilla yogurt, strawberries, Cheerios, and other good fruit. It was so yummy! After we ate we played another round of the silent game until it was time to go home. We can't wait to see what tomorrow holds.