Have you ever heard the expression, "if you can't stand the heat stay out of the kitchen?" Well apparently that's not an issue for our Cloverbud Day campers this week.
All of them were very excited about getting into the kitchen and creating something great today.

After our morning routine we broke our campers up into two groups for today's activities. Half went into the kitchen with Mrs Janice to cook up a tasty treat. The other half work with Mrs Christy to learn all about money.
In the kitchen our group got to make granola and chocolate chip oat cookies. They did all of it from measuring, to stirring, and even cooking when it came down to it. It was lots to learn but lots of fun. They couldn't wait to finish up and try the efforts of their hard work. Word has it that it was nummmmmmmy!

While one group was cooking up good stuff in the kitchen it was time for the other group to hang out in the auditorium with Mrs. Christy. There they played detective. Using maginfying glasses they investigated money, coins and bills. They learned how much each was worth and what was on each one and what it meant. They made coin etchings and got a chance to play coin Bingo.
After snack we switched groups. Lunch today was a spectacular feast made by Ms. Margaret and Mr. Larry. We had hamburgers, Hot Dogs, and French Fries. It was yummy and got us geared up for more afternoon fun.

After bagging up our homemade goodies to take home and a little more fun and games with Mrs. Christy it was time for Mrs. T. Today we talked about fruit and veggies. After we got done playing we headed into the kitchen to make a snack. Fruit Kabobs were on the menu for today. We got a plate with different fruits and a marshmallow and had at making our own creations. Not sure which was more fun, making our kabobs or eating them. It was a fun filled day and we can't wait to see what our final day of Cloverbud Day camp has to offer.
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