Difficult conversations happen. You may want to avoid them and hope it works itself out, but in the end you have to have them, and there are ways to do it and not do it. Harriett Edwards, from our state office came down to share tips, tools and ways to go ahead and have those conversations as part of our
second 4-H 4 County Volunteer Training. This training was hosted in Cumberland County and was attended by volunteers from Cumberland, Hoke, Moore, and Robeson Counties. Volunteers had the opportunity to learn about different principles of fierce conversations, identifying helpful strategies when having these conversations, and practiced the skills.

Volunteers walked away with new information, a check list of things to look for, and ideas of ways to start these difficult conversations. Many of the volunteers had the opportunity to share how valuable this training was on the way back to their respective counties, and several have reported utilizing the new skills they were taught as a part of this training. A big thank you to Dr. Harriett Edwards for traveling to and delivering our training tonight.
Two more trainings are scheduled for this year; August 22 and September 19. For more information about these trainings please contact Shea Ann DeJarnette at Shea_Ann_DeJarnette@ncsu.edu.
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