Day two for 4-H Jr. Chef Academy and we started on a simmer this morning. Our day campers might have gotten a little tuckered out yesterday, but no time for being tuckered because we needed to turn up the heat and get things done today.

After going over our list of what we learned and liked on was a ton of stuff by the way...we split up into our groups and got to work. During our time with Mrs. Janice we learned how to take corn off the cob and made cream corn for our lunch on Wednesday. Then we started working with peaches. Miss Shea Ann taught us about the process of making cheese. We used an acid to separate the curd and weigh and made queso fresca cheese. It was sort of gross looking when the milk separated but after pressing the curds into a block of cheese, it wasn't so bad.

After getting a chance to work with both, it was time for lunch. Chik-fil-A box lunches made us pretty happy and quiet as we devoured our sandwiches and chips. Then after a little break we were back at the grind. With Mrs. Janice we learned how to cut and freeze peaches (that we heard we get to take home tomorrow), then we learned how to make corn tortillas. We weighed out one ounce balls and then placed them in bags to roll out and did our best to make them round and equally flat all around. We placed them in a pan and gave them an initial cook. Tomorrow we will turn our tortillas into chips for our tomatilla salsa that we will be making after our field trip to the Robeson County Farmer's Market.

While one group worked with the corn tortillas, the other group got to spend time learning how to fold napkins and make that elegant table setting. We also played games working on our team building skills, and had a chance to work on some of our art work. Each day we have coloring pages that represent what we are working on that day. In today's stack we had a peach, cheese, a mouse with cheese, and ears of corn. hmmmmm wonder what will be in tomorrow's stack.
After finishing in the kitchen it was time to hit the carpet for our favorite game, the silent game. Needless to say parents and family came to get us before we were done with our game so we will have to try again tomorrow and see if we can get a winner.
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