Mother Nature had a little surprise for our campers when they
woke up this morning at
Betsy Jeff Penn, rain. However, getting a little wet was going to stop anyone this morning. Our campers awoke refreshed and raring to go...go to breakfast that is. Biscuits, bacon, and eggs were on the menu along with some fresh fruit. After plenty of nourishment it was time to clean up cabins. For those of you at home, it may just seem like chores but for our campers it is a major competition. You see each day when the campers head to morning activities the cabins are inspected. The top three cleanest cabins get the coveted prizes of the golden faucet, silver toilet seat, and the bronze toothbrush. The bragging rights to go along with each prize are also coveted so the campers work hard to make sure their cabins are ship shape.

Campers who were going to get wet anyway didn't mind being out in the rain. Our campers went swimming in the pool, hiking to the beaver pond, and took parts in arts and crafts. The oldest campers, the adventurers and trekkers hit the lake to practice their canoeing skills. Some campers got to go horse back riding and some hit the rec hall for games instead of the rock wall, because it was a little slippery.
Before we knew it it was time for lunch. Pizza, carrot sticks and celery were on the menu and if that wasn't your favorite there was always the salad bar. The afternoon was filled with fun activities that included creek stomping, fishing, and ropes for our older campers.

Of course a favorite for everyone is camp store. Each camper can purchase a snack (ice cream, chips, or cookies) and a drink each day. Can we just say everyone was happy with ice cream, lots of ice cream. After spending a few minutes socializing it was time to head back out into the world.
Once again dinner was upon us before we knew it. Taco night went over really well. You could fix your own hard shell or soft with black beans, corn, chips, cheese, beef, lettuce....let's just stop here and say it was so good. If the smiles on these faces aren't enough to convince you of that please know dessert was homemade chocolate brownies. YUM!
Since the flag did not get raised in the rain, flag lowering did not involve a flag. However at this time we did find out that Cabin Six won the golden faucet and they better be careful because other cabins are gunning for them now.

Tonights activity involved water sports for part of the group and the pioneer cabin for the rest. At water sports there was a slip and slide, water games, the pool, and lake. At the pioneer cabin the campers played games, worked on team building, and got to eat s'mores with marshmallows they roasted themselves.
If you are thinking this is a packed day you would be right. Our campers headed back to their cabins for showers and headed to bed. After all full day two has a lot more to offer and we need to get our beauty rest.
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