Tuesday, November 14, 2023

A Great Opportunity!

Hey Folks we have a great opportunity and I need your feedback as soon as possible. James Bass with UNCP has approached us about having a Theater Arts 4-H SPIN Club that would be able to attend shows at GPAC. He would be able to get sponsors for the youth tickets and then any parents who want to attend would buy their own tickets. We are still working out the details on how that would work. We would provide transportation to and from the Theater for our families taking part. This is the plan for 2024.

That being said...a sponsor has stepped forward to offer tickets for the upcoming show on November 20th for our youth. The show is Million Dollar Quartet Christmas. Please click this link for all the details. https://www.uncp.edu/million-dollar-quartet-christmas. If you have 4-H members who would be interested in this opportunity please let me know ASAP. You can email me at sadejarn@ncsu.edu or call our office at (910) 671-3276. If parents/guardians would also like to attend please let me know and I will see about getting a group rate for our adults and what that pricing looks like.

If we can get a group together we would leave our office Monday at 6:30 pm.

Thank you for considering this opportunity. This looks like a great show and I hope we have some youth that will be able to take part in this experience.

Shea Ann

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