Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Farm to Fork Challenge


Today our 4-H Jr. Chef Day Campers loaded up in the 15 passenger vans and headed to see exactly where their lunch was going to come from.  They were also excited to be joined by our Horticulture Extension Agent Mr. Mack Johnson and one of our 4-H Alums turned 4-H Volunteer, Brooke Canady.  Ms. Shea Ann also gave them their magic word challenge for the day, and it was, "Thank You.".  With instructions in hand of how to use their word our Chefs loaded up and headed out.  Today the traveling Chefs headed east toward Holly Ridge to visit a farm by the name of Xanadu.

Xanadu farms started just after World War II when the government was selling land at Topsail Island.  The Yow family purchased land and retired to their farm named Xanadu.  Decades later their great grand children are operating the farm and have become leading producers of biodynamic fruits and vegetables as well as event hosts by using their natural landscapes to offer group experiences.  Our Jr. Chefs got a first hand tour of the farm and even sampled some of the fresh offerings such as Blueberries right off the bush (some of our 4-H members were prepared to eat their weight in juicy, sweet, blueberries).  Our youth also got a chance to go in to the high tunnel greenhouse and help plant, suash, pepper, and cucumber seeds in trays for seedlings to begin.  One of the neat things about this farm is that they ship their food fresh off the farm to local restaurants who prepare the food and you have the chance to really enjoy a farm to table experience.


One of the restaurants that does this is Dockside.  After enjoying the morning on the farm our 4-H Jr. Chefs when straight to the restaurant where they enjoyed incredible views and had a chance to enjoy farm fresh items with their meals.  Once they were full from lunch our campers loaded back up on the vans to head back to the office.  

   They made it back just in time to feed their sourchough starters and let Mrs. Jade know what they liked and learned on this trip.  When they left they said thank you to everyone for helping them gain a greater appreciation for where their food comes from.  

   To see all the phots from today's adventures please click this link.  

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