Friday, January 31, 2025

NC 4-H Volunteer Leaders Conference


I had the chance to have a conversation with one of our 4-H volunteers who has helped shape me as a 4-H Extension Agent, as we drove to Greensboro today.  We were headed to the NC 4-H Volunteer Leaders Conference which is being held at the Airport Marriot in Greensboro this year.  It was my first out of town event with our adult volunteers right after I started this job (many years ago) and has always been one of my favorite things to do with them.  I think I have made it to all but one of these over the years and even attended and enjoyed our COVID years when our volunteers got creative and went virtual.   There are two things about this conference that makes me encourage every 4-H staff person and adult volunteer to attend.  The first is meeting volunteers from around the state.  They are kind, willing to share and listen, always on the lookout for something new, and very quickly become a family.   The second reason is that this is one of the BEST trainings you could ever attend and it just makes you feel good to be in 4-H where we have so many programming options that are fun and allow youth (and us as adults) to accidentally learn along the way.

   Don't get me wrong this conference is about training but it is also about the NC 4-H Volunteer Leaders Association.  The members elect officers, conduct business, and raise money to support their association and the members in it from around the state.  They also recognize the work our volunteers do with awards.  What is really cool is the membership.  All you need to do is be a registered 4-H Volunteer and you are automatically a member.  Every county volunteer group can meet, and there is district level leadership as well as state.  So many things for our adults to do and experience, just like our youth.  

  So I may have digressed a little, because I wanted to give you a little background.  Back to the road trip conversation.  As times change people's interests and needs change.  So the conference is adjusting and changing in hopes of bringing in the younger generations and hoping that they value that in person connection and learning opportunity.  We recognize how it used to be and welcome how it can be and look forward to seeing those generations coming up join the association and make it their own like the generations that came before them. 

  So if you are a 4-H Volunteer and have never ventured or aspired to check out this conference I, and all of our volunteers attending this conference, encourage you to take a chance next year try it out and see what our volunteers around the state have to offer you and think about what you have to offer them.  zit really is a great group to be a part of. 

Thursday, January 30, 2025

Something A Little Different


Folks we are going to try something a little different.  It might take a moment to get used to it but we think you will like it.  Due to the fact that we had so many programs last year, and that we allowed for our 4-H clubs to register for meetings at one link for the entire year, we had a great challenge.  We had too many programs on our app (under programs) and had to make frequent adjustments, which meant some programs and or club meetings were only up for a matter of days for registration.  So we are going to shake things up and change that.

Starting this year (as a matter of fact today) as club schedules are turned in by our club leaders we will post club meeting registration on the app under clubs.  Then all you need to do is find the club you are looking for and click the registration link to see the schedule and register for the meetings you plan on attending.  Sounds simple, Right?  We will leave the link there until the last meeting is over so you can sign up as you go if you like.  Please note to register and attend the meetings you must be actively registered in 4-H Online.

Deadline to register for the meetings is one week prior to the meeting date.  Please note registration is important so that our 4-H Volunteer Club leaders can have enough supplies and possibly snacks for their club meeting participants.

So we hope you like this update.  Let us know your thoughts by shooting us a quick email at or

Wednesday, January 29, 2025

It's That Time.....


Good morning everyone!

We are excited to say that 4-H Online is open for re-enrollment for 2025. All you need to do is take a few moments to click this link and sign into your account and reactivate for this year. Don't worry if you have forgotten your password you can reset it very easily.

If you have any questions or issues registering please feel free to contact Jade McNeill, 4-H Program Assistant, at (910) 671-3276 or Jade You can also reach me at

Thank you for time and attention in handling this,

Shea Ann

Monday, January 27, 2025

T-Shirt Design Contest


Do you know youth interested in poultry, art, and/or design?   The T-shirt design contest for the 2025 Youth Market Turkey Show (YMTS) is now open.  Any youth, 5–18 years old is eligible to participate.

The design goal is to celebrate turkeys, youth, the North Carolina State Fair, and/or North Carolina.   Winner will recieve a ribbon, free 2025 YMTS registration & T-shirt with your design on it. 

To enter just submit your sketch or hand-drawn design by February 15, 2025.  Snap a photo and load it in the submission entry form  

More information about YMTS & T-shirt Design Contest:


Friday, January 17, 2025

Summer Opportunity

Poultry Science Summer Immersion (PSSI) is ready for registration!

  This is for high school students (14-18 years of age) and applications are now being accepted to attend the 5-day/4 night deep dive into Poultry Science that will happen Jun 15-19, 2025.  

  The 20 scholars selected receive a $700 scholarship from the US Poultry & Egg Association & Prestage Department of Poultry Science that covers most of their camp's cost (final student fee is just $85).    

For an overview of PSSI application process, check out the PSSI Quickstart Guide

Tuesday, January 7, 2025

Scholarship Opportunity

 We wanted to send a brief reminder that applications are due this Friday, January 10th for the Perry & Doris Teeter Beef Leadership Institute. This event selects the top 20 applicants to participate in a weekend of leadership training in conjunction with the NC Cattlemen's Conference. 

  • Who should apply: High School youth ages 14-19 that have a sincere interest in Animal Agriculture and in particular the Beef Industry
  • What is it: This event covers items such as Public Speaking, Team Building, College Opportunities, Jobs in Animal Agriculture, Ag Advocacy, as well as others
  • Presenters: We work with a variety of speakers at this event such as Extension Agents, Ag Teachers, NC 4-H Officers, NC FFA Officers, and NC Cattle Producers.
  • A fun weekend of meeting other youth with similar interests, building relationships, and learning effective ways to be advocates for agriculture. 
  • This event is totally free for participants. 
For more information you can click here.

Thursday, January 2, 2025

What's Your Word for 2025?


This article was written by our own Shea Ann DeJarnette for the Robesonian.

I’m not big on New Year’s resolutions. We all have the best intentions but, to be honest, history has proven to me about two weeks in, I’m done with most of mine. The other day I heard someone talking about their word for the year. At first, I couldn’t figure out the point of a word for the year. A word of the day is usually about learning vocabulary, but a word of the year? The more I dwelled on the concept the more I liked the idea. So, the question for me was, what should it be?

I know this may not come as a shock for many of you, but my word of the year is kindness. I know, since COVID-19 people are preaching about being kind, people are fragile, don’t bully, etc. Honestly though, this has more to do with etiquette than anything else. I have no doubt question marks are now dancing around for many folks as they ask themselves what having your pinkies in the air has to do with kindness  Well let’s talk about that, and let me also dispel a couple of old-fashioned rumors for you.

The first rumor we need to dispel is many people think etiquette is about separating economic statuses. That is really the opposite of what it is about. Etiquette is actually being able to make everyone feel comfortable in any social setting with grace and treating people with dignity. Yes, etiquette has some set rules; for example, when it comes to table manners and what fork to use, it’s ok if you don’t know. Just watch the host and follow them. If everyone is doing the same thing, have you really done something “wrong”? Having knowledge of these guidelines/signs allows people to feel more comfortable and isn’t making people feel comfortable a sign of kindness?

In January we are getting ready to kick off our first school etiquette program. We will be working with kindergarten and first-grade students on the magic words. You know – please, thank you, hello, goodbye, excuse me, I’m sorry. So many misunderstandings occur and are elevated to other things because someone couldn’t say excuse me or I’m sorry. Imagine arming our children with the basics of kindness and all of us practicing them. Just by using these words, correctly and not sarcastically, we could create a kinder environment and community. Imagine what that could look like not just for them, but for the adults also. Imagine what spreading a little kindness can do.

The second rumor I need to dispel is the “pinkies up” while drinking tea was never an etiquette thing. There was never a rule about that. On the contrary, pinkies should be tucked in, otherwise you might risk poking out your own eye. Ouch. Let’s be kind to ourselves this year as well and not cause physical harm because of a rumor.

So, as I embark on spreading and demonstrating kindness this year and demonstrating this word of the year, I am curious what your word might be? What word do you want to live in 2025? Please feel free to let us know, and by the way, we will keep you up to date on our program with the youth. Feel free to help us by correctly using those magic words with our youth and encouraging them to do so. After all, it takes a village to raise a child with kindness. Happy New Year everyone!