Madam President was repeated over and over as we conducted our first County Council and Leaders' Association Meeting for 2009. The meeting was productive as the group used parliamentary procedure to make some decisions. That included that the high attendance award will allow the winning club to chose from two rewards. The group voted that bowling and a centennial ice cream party (using the soon to be announced 4-H centennial ice cream flavor) will the two rewards to chose from.
Roll call was tight with 5 clubs being represented. Spiritual Generations won the high attendance award with 9 members present. They will get to chose their prize as determined by the membership voting. We also had two special guest, one from the Boys and Girls Club and the other from Palmer Drug Prevention. Our newest speciality club, the St. Paul's 4-H Pony Club was introduced to the rest of the membership.
Those in attendance learned about the committees that they can serve on and about upcoming activities. At the end of the meeting we enjoyed snacks (pizza, cake, and drinks) provided by the "Dirty Rascals" Junior Master Gardener 4-H club. Then everyone took a little time to work on a community service project for United Way.
It was a great night and those in attendance want to encourage all 4-H club members, parents, and volunteers to join us for our next meeting April 6, 2009.
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