Have you ever mapped out your life, your future? That's what 15 active youth did as part of Red Springs Middle School's, Community In Schools (CIS) After School Program this week. The youth made a collage treasure map that included four sections; family & friends, health & fitness, hobbies & leisure, and jobs & careers. Each worked hard at creating a piece that suited them. The careers ranged from police officer and bartender to television star and super solider. The pieces they created were colorful and fun and showed each youth's personality.
When they were done with their treasure map they received two cards. One was for them to take home to their parents to initiate a conversation about their goals and dreams and how they can work together to make this happen in the future (actually mapping out the course as a family). The second card was filled with questions for the youth to ask the parent. Things like, "What did you want to be when you were my age?" Questions to open a conversation and let parents remember what it was like to be that age and kids know that their parents were once like them.
For more information about 4-H and after school activities, please contact Shea Ann DeJarnette, Extension Agent for 4-H Youth Development at (910) 671-3276 or Shea_Ann_DeJarnette@ncsu.edu.
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