Club leader Larry Russ set up a board that held clays upright. The boys took turns trying to knock each clay down, one shot per clay. Dillon was up first and to his surprise and delight hit each target, which as he said seemed rather big now that they had been shooting at scraps of paper.
Then it was Allen's turn. He took his time, aimed, pulled the trigger 10 times and hit 10 targets. Tied the two felt the need to try again. They set up the clays and Dillon took position with rifle in hand, he aimed and ten trigger pulls later, he had hit each target. Allen took a deep breath before his turn and concentrated. Timing paid off because by the time the magazine was empty, he too had hit each target. The club leader was getting ready to change the format a little to shake things up but Dillon and Allen agreed to call it a draw saying they both won, rather than keep shooting it out. However I do believe they both said next time the other one is in trouble. After such a display of sportsmanship the meeting was adjourned and the group cleaned up the range and helped load equipment before heading home.

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