Officers talked about old business and checks were awarded to the members
who won at County Activity Day. We also recognized our two County Entertains winners who will go on to represent us at District.
Maurice Rogers sang for us and Megan Hurst danced for us.

Officers discussed a cloverbud retreat and have said they will meet again to reset the date. Also Libby Burney and Christopher Bullard talked to the group about the scrapbooking workshop that would take place on Tuesday and Wednesday to get the district scrapbook in shape.
After the meeting everyone enjoyed refreshments brought in by the officers. The next meeting will be our elections. Nomination forms will be posted on the web and the elections will be held at the 4-H office on August 1. If you know someone who meets the criteria and would be a good officer please consider nominating them. For more information stay tuned to the blog.
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