Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Breaking News!

The chicks are here! The chicks are here! That's right it is just over 20 days since we put our eggs in the incubator and the chicks are here! We have been getting calls from the various schools with incubators and the chicks are hatching everywhere.
We actually had our first chick hatch yesterday and it was joined by two more the next morning and before the end of the day we had a total of nine. We still have several more trying to peck their way out so we can't wait to see what happens.
If you come in to the lobby of our building you will be able to hear our chicks as well as some music. Our first hatch was so loud that we started playing music for it to help it calm down and find its indoor voice. Believe it or not it worked. The chick loved the music and all of them have been relatively quiet, sleeping and breathing to whatever tune they are listening to. They will be in our office through Friday when they go to their new home and then we expect a few more to arrive in another week, since we did put a few eggs in a week later. We will let you know how that works out.

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