Thursday, July 28, 2022

It's Not Quite A Wrap

 It's our last full day at BJP (for those of you not following us that is what our campers call Betsy Jeff Penn 4-H Center) and we will not leave anything undone.  Our schedule really doesn't change with campers getting up, cleaning their cabins, and eating breakfast.  This morning they had fresh biscuits, bacon, and more to fill their stomachs before hitting the camp.

Due to the recent storms the Trekkers didn't get to paddle down the river but they did head to Pilot Mountain this morning for some rock climbing.  They had a great time in the out of doors before coming back to camp for camp store in the afternoon.

Our campers on site had a chance to hike out to the beaver pond, a little creek stomping, jump in hte pool, and swing from the high ropes.Of course there were also arts and crafts, archery, canoeing and fishing on the schedule this morning.  

Our campers enjoyed pulled chicken sandwiches when it was time for lunch.  You would be amazed how hungry they are from walking, running, swimming, and basically not using motorized transportation for five days.  They have become physically active and if possible just a little more tired.  All of which combines for some really good sleep at night.

After lunch we were back on target for more fun activities.  The Boulder Wall, Gaga pit, archery, pool, and more were on the agenda this afternoon.  It was a great time in the heat to enjoy one last round of everything before coming home. 

Dinner was a camp classic.  Chicken tenders, tater tots, and all the fixings.  Our campers were eating and discussing the upcoming dance.  Do you have a "date" was heard frequently.  With most of our campers saying no.  No need.  I'm going to have fun.  Fun they had rather it was in the rec hall dancing to music (we think everyone did the Church Clap) or outside playing lawn games and just having fun.

After the dance they headed down to the camp fire in their finery for their last horah before we leave tomorrow.  They sang, enjoyed skts, and had the best last campfire ever.  Now our campers are sound asleep dreaming about the fun they had and going home tomorrow.  They cant wait to see their families, but please know they will miss their new found friends.

To see our day of photos please click this link.


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