Monday, July 25, 2022

Welcome to BJP 2022

What a day we have had!  We got up early this morning.  Checked in at the 4-H office and boarded a big bus to camp.  Of course there was a stop in Asheboro for lunch (thank you Golden Coral we enjoyed our meal) then we hit the roadWe pulled in around 2:30 and unloaded the bus and said goodbye to Ms. Linda with Academy bus who got us safely to camp.  We quickly headed to check in at camp and found out where we would be staying for the rest of the week.  The girls are in cabins 1-4 and the boys are in cabins 5-8. We did introductions and started making friends way before dinner.  

We learned our way around camp by doing a riddle tour.  The counselors would give us a riddle and we would solve it and go to the answer and learned wha we do a the different places around camp and where everything is.  It was a lot of fun.

We had a gourmet cookout tonight complete with hot dogs, slaw, chili, baked beans, watermelon, and chocolate chip cookies (which one of the counselors said were skunk berry cookies-they are so funny.  After dinner we went to the rec hall and met all the adults at camp.  We have a lot of really cool people taking care of us.

After rec hall we headed to the campfire.  Yes, we actually had one on our very first night complete with skits and everything.  It was so much fun and we didn't care that it was 80 plus degrees outside, we enjoyed our firs for it;s spirit, and sort of ignored its hea.

After campfire it was time for bed.  It's been an adventurous day and we can't wait to see what tomorrow has to bring.

If you would like to see a few photos from today please click this link.  Stay tuned for our adventures tomorrow.  We will post them right here.

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