Tuesday, January 9, 2024

Art Exploration 4-H Club


We are excited to announce our Art Exploration 4-H SPIN Club.  Youth will be able to enjoy different types of performances at UNCP's Givens performing arts center for free as well as a special Etiquette Lesson that will include dinner prior to the first show. Please see the schedule below and register at:https://www.eventbrite.com/e/arts-exploration-4-h-spin-club-tickets-776596199137?aff=oddtdtcreator

January 31-Etiquette lesson will occur as part of UNCP's performing art series.  Registered members will meet prior to the show for this once in a lifetime experience.  There will be a $40 fee for this lesson and dinner will be included as part of the lesson to ensure no one is hungry prior to the show.

January 31-The Sophia Orchestra from Sofia Bulgaria will perform a traditional classical concert.  Considered one of the finest travelling orchestras in the world this will be an unforgetable night of learning about classical music and the role it plays in our society.

February 28-The String Queens-This trio will blow you away with traditional trio instruments performing pop ballads.  Hailing from New York this popular group has made a name for themselves and will be an exciting twist for our youth to experience. 

March 21- Chigago-This is a cover band for the music of the 1970's rock band Chicago.  This was one of the first groups that used brass and strings in pop culture music showing a differnet genre about what had been considered clasical instruments.

All shows start at 7 pm.  For folks who would like to travel with us from Lumberton transportation will be provided.  Please let us know if you are interested in riding by emailing Jade McNeil, 4-H Program Assistant at Jade_McNeil@ncsu.edu.

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