Thursday, July 20, 2017

We'll Have Fun until the Bus Comes on Friday

We woke up to a very sunny Thursday and very prepared to handle our new schedules.  We hit it early this morning with cabin cleanup and breakfast then it was off to our activities.  Our 10 to 12 year olds got to hit the newly reopened ropes courses.  Once they hiked up the hill they got to climb a telephone pole and jump off.  Ok we admit it sounds like a rather silly thing to do, but it is very safe as every camper wears a helmet and harness.  they also climbed up and walked across poles and rope bridges.  All of this to push their boundaries and take them outside their comfort zone.  Each of them was set up with the opportunity to succeed and overcome their fears.  All of them tried and were proud of themselves for trying.  It was a great experience.
  Our youth also got a chance to check out the boulder wall today.  Much like our rock wall that campers climb up, the boulder wall requires a little more ingenuity and different set of muscles, because once you climb on it, you have to climb across it.  It looks a little easier than it is.
  Of course we took a break for lunch.  There was not an unhappy camper to be found as we enjoyed chicken nuggets and french fries.  Probably what we enjoyed more than anything was talking to our friends about the night's activity, the dance.  It was the talk of the camp as some campers asked others to the dance, and others planned to go stag.  All of it was rather exhausting to try to keep up with.
  After lunch we were back out enjoying camp.  We got to swim and canoe, check out the boulder wall, archery, and well just enjoy everything Betsy Jeff Penn has to offer.  In the afternoon we took a break for camp store.  We got to spend what we had left on our cards and there were stuffed animals, draw string bags, and snacks flying out the door.  It was a lot of fun to figure out what we would be taking home.
  After one last activity in the afternoon it was time for dinner.  Tonight we enjoyed hamburgers, corn, and rice.  Most of us were too busy thinking about the dance and what we would wear and thinking about the songs we hoped they would play.
  Of course it wasn't long after that we were all at the dance.  Some of us danced and some of us, well, let's just say dancing wasn't our thing.  The camp staff gets that and they had all sorts of games set up for us to play.  We also had chalk so we could draw on the sidewalks, and let's not forget the LIT slushies.  Our Leaders In Training, also known as LITs, shaved ice and added flavorings to make us an endless supply of slushies.  Although we're pretty sure they were hoping for the lines to die down, they never did.
  When the last song played that wasn't the end of the night.  We headed back to our cabins to change and head out to campfire.  This was our last campfire of the week and it was so much fun.  There were campfire songs, and skits, most importantly lots of laughs.  About 10 o'clock we made it back to our cabins for showers, a little packing, and to lay down for some sleep before going home tomorrow.  Wow what a week it has been.  Can't wait to tell you all about it when we get home.

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