Monday, July 15, 2024

Animals and Gravity


It's that week of Summer Fun....It's Biotech Day Camp!  For those not familiar with this very populr camp we do all things science while travelling in a 15 passenger van.  Ever since the beginning we have partnered with Hoke Couty on this scientific travelling scientific adventure and this year was no different. 

Our first stop after picking up our counterparts in Raeford was Aloha Zoo.  This is a small zoo with a variety of animals and offers a safari ride so campers could actually feed the animals as they learned about wildebeests, Ostriches, Emus, and so many more.  Not only were they able to see up close and personal with animals they are not used to seeing, they learned interesting facts about these animals and how they are cared for.  One of their favorite animals was the ring tailed lemurs.  Which will go well with our field trip tomorrow (stay tuned).  All in all we worked up an appetitie at the zoo so it was time to hit the next stop....lunch.

   Lunch was at CiCi's Pizza.  I don't know many children who don't like pizza.  There they can get any pizza they like and as much of it as they need to fill and fuel their growing bodies.  All of this was necessary to give them time to cool down and fuel up for our next stop which was out of this world.

We arrived at Surge around two and got everyone checked in, armbanded, and jump socks on.  Then they literally jumped in.  They played trampoline dodge ball, tag, basketball, jumped into the ninjaw pit and used the high dive to flip into the foam pits.  Some of our campers found the foam pits so comfortable that they just swam around in them like a swimming pool.  Others took a moment to climb the rubic's cube walls or even the regular climbing walls.  All in all I would say they had a good time learning about gravity and it's importance while trying to fly through the air with maybe not the greatest of ease...but as close as you can get with a gravatational pull around you.

To see all of our adventures from today please click this link.  Stay tuned for tomorrow as we go to some unexplored new places. 

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