Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Now We're Cooking


Its amazing what a good night's sleep will do for your attitude.  Our campers woke up with the birds today and either started cleaning up their cabins or headed to breakfast.  Breakfast this morning was a huge hit.  The campers had th option of scrambled eggs, bacon, bagels, fruit bar and more. 

The temperature today was a little warmer but still pleasant outside for all of our activities.  After flag raising our youngest campers headed off for canoeing and the swimming while other made their way to the archery field and crafts.  Our Sun group got the chance to go fishing and the fish were biting today while the adventurer and trekker groups headed to high ropes to practice important skills before their outdoor adventures later this week.  In the second round groups switched between these activities and Yoga/meditation time was added in.  This activity allows youth a chance to rest in air conditioning and have a moment to recover before finishing their activities for the day.

Before we knew it, it was time to head to the dining hall for lunch.   Our campers were enjoying the menu today.  We had a camper favorite hamburgers, curly fries, salad, and all the fixings.  Since meals are family style, if campers want seconds they can have seconds and even thirds.  No one goes hungry at camp.

After lunch our youth headed back to activities that included the pool, archery, the GaGa pitt and horses.  For many youth this is their first time learning about and riding on a horse and we are excited about their opportunity to do this and be able to say they rode a horse.  Creek stomping was also offered as an activity to our groups which let them get a little wet, stay in the shade, and learn about environmental science (Shhhhhh! Don't tell them).

Before they knew it our campers were lined up for camp store.  A snack
(chips or ice cream) and a drink were their choices for today.  When they get done eating our campers have a little down time in the rec hall.  Usually that means a rousing game of four square or line dancing, sometimes they just sit and read or talk, but it is time to just enjoy their friends and have fun on their own.  When camp store was over it was time to head back out to our activities and finish out the day's organized fun. 

  Dinner tonight was the favorite of barbecue chicken, green beans, mac and cheese, corn bread and vanilla pudding for dessert.  As with all of our afternoon and evening meals our campers have the opportunity to visit the salad bar.  So there is always something for them to eat and enjoy.

  Our evening activity wa a repeat of last night as our youth who were at water games went to pioneer cabin to play night games and our other youth were at water sports.  The slip and slide was epic tonight and everyone had a ton of fun.

To see the photos from today please click this link.

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