Sunday, July 28, 2024


It's our Favorite time of year!  Overnight camp week and this year we are excited to be headed back to BJP with some of our favorite counties.  We started our day meeting at the NC Cooperative Extension, Robeson County Center office to meet all of our adults, our new friends from Bladen, Columbus, Cumberland, Pender, and Robeson Counties.  Then after a brief schedule of events we boarded our luxury Academy bus to head to camp.  

 After saying goodbye to our loved ones our first stop was for lunch.  We have to give a very warm thank you to our friends at Golden Corral in Asheboro where we stopped to eat.  There is something for everyone there and we are appreciative of all the choices and good food.  We were also appreciative of our server, Ms. Sandra who looked after our entire crowd.  We sure do appreciate her.
   After a good meal we got back on the bud and headed to camp.  We were so excited to climb the hills to camp that we could hardly help ourselves.  Mr Smitty did a great job of getting us here safely.  Once we were parked and got all our luggage off we were split up by gender and the boys placed their times unter the arts and crafts shelter adn the girls put their things by the camp map before heading to the flagpole to get our paperwork and check in.  We found out what cabins everyone would be in and what groups and from there it was time to move in and unpack.

   Once unpacking was done we did a camp tour and we headed to dinner.  On the menu tonight were hot dogs, baked beans, chips, watermelon, and cookies.  After getting our fill we headed to the Rec Hall for introductions,  We met the staff, agents, and volunteers and learned about the emergency bells and whistles should we need them.

  Then our campers went on the riddle tour.  This is where they went to a different location around the camp and answered questions before to get them to the next location.  Kind of like a scavenger hunt.  Before they knew it, everyone found themselves down at campfire.  A traditional campfire is what you need for that traditional camp feeling.  So it is now official....we are at a traditional camp doing traditionally fun things.

  When campfire was over everyone headed to their cabins and showered before retiring.   We need to get our beauty sleep before tomorrow when we take the camp by storm! 

To see our phtos from today please click this link.  

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