Things were a little woolly at the Robeson Regional Agricultural Fair Saturday as the lambs came from miles away to show their stuff in the ring. We had 4-H members from Sampson, Cumberland, Stanly, and other counties lined up for the show ring. The first show was the 4-H Showmanship competition where the show person is judged. This is broken into four divisions; cloverbuds (5-8 year olds), Junior I (9-10 year olds), Junior II (11-13 year olds), and Seniors (14-19 year olds). In the Cloverbud division Shane Kendall, Hunter Mercer, Tate Naylor and Hanna Naylor all took to the ring. The cloverbud division is noncompetitive. This gives our youth a chance to learn the ropes of showing in a safe and nurturing environment. The youth all receive trophies for their efforts. In the Junior I division we only had one competitor this year Wyatt Kendal who took home the blue ribbon. Things were a little more difficult in the Junior II division where there were seven competitors. Samantha Naylor took first place in this division with Robert Seals and Hanna Carter following in second and third respectively. Rounding out this division were Benjamin Herndon, Sabrina Blake, Ashley Wilson, and Megan Baldwin. The senior division had four competitors this year. Dustin Helms took home the blue while Emerald Layton took red, Cole Mullis took the white and Cody Almond received a yellow ribbon.
In the grand Champion Drive all the first place lambs entered the ring and Cole Mullis with Lebron took home the trophy. Robert Seals with Moe took home the reserve champion title. This is just one of two shows on Saturday. Stay tuned for the results of the heifer show that took place later in the after noon.
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