There were moments where the squeals of delight among the hogs, youth, and adults could not be distinguished because everyone was having such a good time. Our first ever adult/youth hog show took place in center ring (OK it is the only ring we have) and was a tail twister for many.
The first two rounds were showmanship divisions. The first 18 years old and under. The second 18 and over. In the 18 and under division we had Dakota Locklear, Chase Lowry, Andrew Oxendine, Lavin Lowry, Lyavans Lowry,
Makayla Oxendine, and Mickey Locklear, II competing. In the end Lyavans Lowry took home the blue ribbon, Lavin Lowry the red, and Andrew Oxendine the white. In the over 18 division Candy Lowry, Dwan Locklear, Ruby Oxendine, Mickey Locklear, James Lee Hunt, Regina Hunt, Sara Locklear, Lycurous Lowry, Carroll Dial and Lyvans Lowry participated. The judge declared this competition one of the closest and most interesting he had ever judged. When he asked one competitor what kind of hog he had she said a big one. He suggested the adults might want to take some lessons from the youth. Taking home first place in this division was Candy Lowry, second wne to Sara Locklear and third Ruby Oxendine.
The next part of the show was the market show. In this show the hogs are shown based on weight. There are three divisions, light weight (207-222 lbs), middle weight (224-240 lbs), and heavy weight (241-260 lbs). Each year the divisions are determined based on equalling the divisions in terms of number by weight. In the light weight division Andrew Oxendine placed first, Candy Lowry second and Lyvans Lowry third. In the middle weight division Lavin Lowry placed first, Ruby Oxendine second and Andrew Oxendine third. While heavy weight saw Lyavans Lowry place first, Lavin lowry took home red and Dakota Locklear the white ribbon. The first place hogs from each weight division competed for Grand Champion and Lycans Lowry with the heavy weight hog took home the grand champion trophy and Lavin Lowry with his first place hog from the middle weight division took home the Reserve Champion trophy.
Since this show was such a success with the adults and youth we will look at continuing it next year.
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