Of course the highlight of the evening was when we honored our volunteers, without whom we would not have a successful program. Our first year volunteers include; Melanie Allen, Candi Blackmon, Amanda Dial, Brian Dial, Anna Hatcher, Gary Henderson, Marie Henderson, Felicia Hill, Willie Johnson, Rosie, Jones, Atha McArthur, Fredrick McKinnon, Vanessa Moore, Veronica Powell, Elizabeth Shockley, Nakiea Wearins and Jeffery Wright.

Our second year list of volunteers was even longer than our first year volunteers. Honored for two years of service to Robeson County 4-H are; Ellis Baker, Barbra Cain, Robert Cryer, Leigh Cryer, Nikki Edwards, Jeff Floyd, Paula Greene, Pascha Harrington, Emma Hill, Beverly Howell, Emmarld Jackson, harry Jhala, Charles Keenum, Sr., Leon Littles, Jessica Parker, LaKeisha Patterson, Tommy Prevatte, Julia Pierce-Lowry, Cicely Pighet, Lee "Oscar" Ratley, Kerrie Roach, Kimberly Robinson, Joyce Russ, Linda Scott, Patrice Smith, Elizabeth Titton, Pamela Walton, Sonja Watson, and Katrina Williamson.

Our third year honorees included; Cassandra Bennett, Gwen Colvin, Jessica Drake, Margaret Crites, Cheryl Liles, Pat McRae, Hubert and Linda Sealey as well as Tanya Underwood.

In their fourth year Tony Bullard, Holly Burney, Sandra Cox, Staci Kinlaw, Carolyn Lewis, Connie and Millard Locklear, Ida Murphy, Gail Rogers, Sonny Sampson and Arlene Grissett received their certificates and gift for their hard work.

At five years our volunteers receive a special gift. This year it was a hand etched vase with the 4-H clover on it. Sarah baker, Joan Britt, Libby Burney, Tiffanee Conrad-Acuna, Retha Ekwunoh, Melissa McLean, Kusum Jhala, Vicky Pipkin and Larry Russ all received this special honor.

We have one six year honoree and one seven year honoree who are Debra McBride and Susan Floyd


Our eight year honorees were Bessie Jones, Carolyn McMillan, Lillian McNeil and Gwen Rogers. We have three volunteers with nine years of service.

They are; Renee Blue, Jane Hurst and Hattie Troy.
Once a volunteer reaches the ten year milestone with Robeson County 4-H they receive a special gift as well, a silver julep cup with their name and the 4-H clover engraved on it. This year Sharon Byrd and Addie Mae Caple were our ten year recipients of this award.
Our list continued growing after that.

With eleven years of experience Beverly Chambers and Erlaine Dinnerson were honored while

Ervin Ratley received a thank you for his twelve years of work with the organization.
Patrica Andrews-Ford and Sallie McCallum received a 14 appreciation award.

At 15 years our volunteers reach another milestone and this year received a silver bowl with their name and the 4-H clover engraved on it. receiving this special gift this year were Lorraine Ocean, Joyce Peay, Louise Ratley and Juanita Smith.

Marilyn Merrit reached 16 years while

Deborah Mitchell was honored for 17 years with us.

Kenneth Betha and Hazel Sumner both were recognized for 18 years of service, while Linda Brown and Bobby Rogers have reached the 19 year marker.

Our last three volunteers have a combined total of 69 years of service to Robeson County 4-H. Katherine Betha and Roberta Grissett both reached the 21 year marker and Joyce Jones has served an incredible 27 years with Robeson County 4-H in a volunteer capacity.

Each of our volunteers received a certificate, a 4-H wall calendar, a 4-H pocket calendar and a mini-screwdriver set as a thank you for their hard work supporting the youth in our community. Thank you and small gifts never seems like enough for all that they do and give back. These people deserve a standing ovation because they are truly making a difference in our community.
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